Education of good habits beauty

Education of good habits beauty
 Smooth skin, strong nails, thick hair and natural complexion - is primarily the result of the correct functioning of the organism. To always look perfect, you need to rebuild your life according to certain rules. These simple components perfect look is easy to send your life on track, we need only a little effort at the initial stage.

Tune in to work on yourself, and eventually you get used to a new way of life, and the need for constant monitoring of their actions will be lost.

Comply with certain diet:

- Eat three meals a day at the same time, do not force yourself diets. The body must receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, nutritional deficiencies will not make you beautiful.

- Use only high-quality and highly nourishing product, then you will be able to eat three times a day in small portions, not being afraid to get better. The higher the nutritional value of the product, the lower portion.

- Include in the diet of seafood and fish, they contain omega-3 fats, minerals and acids needed to maintain muscle and skin tone.

- Do not eat fatty meats, fried foods, semi-finished products - they make your skin sagging, accelerate the aging process and contribute to the development of cellulite.

- Every day, eat raw fruits and vegetables, they contain fiber, almost a full range of vitamins and minerals, fructose and acids, which prolong youthfulness of the whole body and make your skin glowing from within.

- Every evening drink sour milk shakes or just yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

- Instead of harmful sweets and pastries useful eat nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits.

- Reduce consumption or totally abstain from the following products: alcohol, crisps, smoked sausages, ketchup, mayonnaise, any products which are present in the composition of artificial colors and flavor enhancers.

Who regularly walks in the fresh air, because oxygen deprivation adversely affects the whole body, deteriorating internal organs, and as a consequence, there is an unhealthy complexion, dark circles under the eyes, the skin becomes dull and lifeless hair is thinning, etc. .

Care for your face and body every day, do not delay "for later":

- Before going to bed always rinse cosmetics;

- Wash your face with cool water in the morning;

- Twice a week, make a mask for the skin and hair;

- Fortnightly make peeling for face and body;

- Once a month make nutritious wraps (coffee, clay, chocolate, oil, sour cream).

Adjust the sleep mode:

- Organize bed so that no one and nothing prevents you from sleeping soundly and peacefully all night;

- Go to sleep and wake up always in the same time;

- If you have trouble falling asleep, after 6 pm instead of the usual tea drink herbal soothing drink that is set up your body for sleep (sedative collection can be purchased at any pharmacy).

Learn how not to be nervous over nothing and look at things objectively

Stress - the best friend old, sagging and premature wrinkles. Prioritize so that a group of events, because of which should be nervous, included as possible factors. Learn to distract and relax, relieve stress, not hoard a negative:

- Once a week to take a bath aromatic sea salt and oils;

- Every day before going to bed, take a warm shower for 15 minutes, it will help to remove tension, relax muscles and blood vessels, will set you on a healthy sleep;

- Regularly do breathing exercises (lie on your back, relax and concentrate fully on a flat, deep breathing). Or meditate alone with him (sit or lie down so that you feel comfortable, mentally taken into the favorite place or come up with a piece of paradise, walk there, breathe in the aromas, collect flowers, dream) - it will ignore the problems and balance the internal state.

Tags: image, beauty, diet, lifestyle habits