Easy to do, or how to walk properly

Easy to do, or how to walk properly
 Seated lady can look great. Makeup, clothes, jewelry, voice, facial expressions create a harmonious elegant image. Then the woman gets up, takes a few steps - and the image falls apart like a fragile house of cards. Because gait ladies kovylyanie more like a tired old horse and, rather than flying female gait, which is so admired poets of all time. Although, in all fairness, to find that same pace is not so difficult.
 Proudly raised his chin, elastic flexible movement, straightened his shoulders and tripping - that's what makes the usual attractive female beauty. On what does the gait? Primarily on posture. A bearing depends on the state of the spine. The human spine - a flexible circuit supports powerful dorsal and ventral muscles. What should I do to the spine was in perfect condition, ensuring its owner not only excellent health, but also the very Flying gait? The answer is obvious: physical activity.

An ideal option in this case is yoga. That it will not only keep the "chain" spine "nezarzhavevshey", but also strengthen the muscles that will give the maximum feeling of every body movement. Yoga will return a sense of balance, will shape the joints, in addition harmonizes state of mind. True, there is one "but" - yoga alone is not safe, and it is better to do it under the supervision of an instructor at the sports center.

However, yoga can not come choleric. Then it is better to choose something more mobile, such as dancing. Dance programs well trained body, return the correct posture, and besides, charged with positive energy. And they are absolutely harmless. You can dance even at home without spending instructor, and the result is still not long to wait.

Evenings can also be a good idea to practice good posture and, as a consequence, a beautiful gait. Put on top of a thick book and try to be like her for some time. Once your body will take the wrong position - the book will fall. Over time, you learn not to mince, and to move freely and easily, holding his chin proudly raised.

You can use the achievements of scientific and technical progress. Today, commercially available devices called Posture Corrector and represents a corset-declinators. Posture correctors make people maintain correct body position, forming a beautiful posture and easy gait. This option can also be a good way out of the situation.

The second reason elephantine gait - wrong choice of footwear. Moreover, the careless attitude to what you shoes on your feet, can be a source of problems much more serious than the ugly gait. Therefore, you can not save on shoes, the shoes have to be comfortable and well fix the foot.

Reason Three - a chronic self-doubt. You've probably seen it - a woman hunched over as if trying to hide in a non-existent armor, dull eyes, nervous movements and mincing step. So people do not go self-confident in their own attractiveness and even in his own right to exist. They are trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, occupy less space as possible in the space (hence this stiffness, stoop, lowered chin). Alas, there is no quality care psychologist can not do.

So a healthy spine, beautiful posture, good physical shape, sense of balance, confidence in the irresistibility plus a pair of quality shoes - and your easy pace is sure to become a source of inspiration for some of the poet.

Tags: posture, gait, gait