Each has its own beauty for

Each has its own beauty for
 In search of beauty person usually focuses on a certain ideal, which is formed throughout his life from images that left the strongest impression. This fully applies to the assessment of the world as a whole, and to the characteristics of the external and internal qualities of people.
 Harmonious, perfect, flawless beauty and soulful idolized and revered since ancient times. But life is not all possess sculptural forms, regular features or, as they summarize it in modern language, the model looks.

That is why many youth tend to give up on their beauty because of a mismatch standard, typical for this area at this time. Or spend years trying to find the ideal. It happens that men and women are looking for the beauty in those who are similar to themselves, or, on the contrary, her dream to find a man who is the complete opposite. Perhaps they believe that the only way to be able to achieve harmony.

However, for all those who believe that is far from ideal, there is another consolation. Beauty can be revealed in the charisma, charm, liveliness of mind, a sense of humor, graceful movements - everything that makes people shine is its highlight, highlights the individuality, originality and originality. In addition, important and self-confidence, and the ability to apply themselves. As the French say, "not the beauty that sometimes there are no ugly."

Beauty men or women in many ways just depends on their intrinsic qualities. That is why it is often manifested in situations that reveal a man's potential. This may be the beauty of courage and beauty of motherhood and even the beauty of self-destruction.

To describe it, there are so many epithets that simply can not say about what it is, and of what can not be. For all ages, men and women can find the definition of even the finest shades of meaning. Harsh and gentle, unpretentious and catchy, powerful and humble, courageous, fierce, infant, clean, earth, sublime - almost any property of human nature certainly is reflected in the definition of beauty.

Tags: beauty, ideal personality, the pursuit of