Anti-aging properties of wine

Anti-aging properties of wine
 Good wine has on the body calming effect - dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, normalize sleep. Therefore, a glass of wine before bedtime helps to relax, throw away all worries, forget about the problems and get ready to relax.
 Being a natural product, the wine has absorbed all the useful properties of grapes, saturate it with juices containing vitamins and minerals needed by the body. The antioxidant properties of wine valued especially well, because these ingredients help to strengthen the protective functions of the body.

Valuable properties of wine are used in the cosmetic industry - products based on grape seeds, leaves, stems, and the wine itself is different effective action, improves skin elasticity.

Anti-aging treatments include wine in a complex skin care, which provide some of the resorts and sanatoriums. Standard treatment includes massage, wine bath, grape scrub, body wraps, massages, facials.

Wine bath is a relaxing treatment - the cool thermal water poured wine extract and 20 minutes immersed in the body vitamin composition. The skin becomes soft, the blood begins to move faster. After the bath, the body is treated with a mixture of honey, thermal water and wine yeast - such wraps help to reveal the pores and saturate the skin with nutrients. After taking a shower relaxing massage is performed with grape seed oil.

Red wine is added to the formulations for getting rid of cellulite: a mixture of almond oil and lemon diluted vodka and wine. Is applied onto a hard sponge and it worked out areas with "orange" crust. Alcohol warms the skin, which quickly penetrate nutrients

Grapes added to creams and facials. It is useful to wipe the skin cut berry, from the flesh - make excellent moisturizing mask. White wine, you can rinse your hair immediately after washing - wine should be present with the dry additives in the form of chamomile, rosemary and marjoram. The resulting composition is diluted with water (2 tablespoons per gallon of water) and rinse the hair, giving it shine and silkiness.

Toning mask for the skin - a mixture of red and white wine (4: 2), add a pinch of salt and the egg, whisk all. Put a lot on the face for half an hour, then clean the skin. White wine is added to the whitening mask, red wine enrich the nutrient composition.

Tags: person, wine, mask, wine, property, treatment, wine therapy