Lady choose the best antiperspirants! The results of our survey

 Even the most beautiful dress, perfect makeup and excellent manners recede into the background, if the nose is able to distinguish the smell of sweat, and the eye - see telltale stains under the armpits. All the ladies know this, and so always start the morning with a long-term struggle for purity and freshness, the chief assistant in which a bottle of antiperspirant. Today women's magazine JustLady not only a private matter Leafs this modest hero, but also tells how antiperspirants trust our readers.

In the category Health: methods of hardening

Antiperspirants: how do they work?

Antiperspirants - next of kin deodorants, compositions, masking unpleasant body odor. Over the past few decades it antiperspirants confidently occupied leading positions in the daily hygiene. In contrast, deodorants, only gives the skin a fragrance, antiperspirants control the process of perspiration by means of special chemicals, mainly derivatives of zinc and aluminum.

It is curious that in itself sweat released from the pores of the human body during the process of thermoregulation, absolutely transparent and devoid of any odors. Armpits smell, not because we sweat, and due to the fact that, without having to evaporate sweat becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Tight and synthetic clothing, hair in the armpits, the individual characteristics of the body, enhance the process and, consequently, the smell.

Deodorants contain alcohol, in general, provoking sweating, but killing for some time, "fragrant" bacteria.Antiperspirant does not stand out and sweat thereby depriving the bacteria culture medium. The reaction of the aluminum-based chemicals (the vast majority of the most popular and effective antiperspirants contain aluminum chloride, aluminum chlorohydrate, aluminum-zirconium, etc.) forms a gel plug overlying tubule outputting sweat on the skin surface, moreover, the metal salt pores that also prevents the escape of liquid.

By the way, recently appeared in Russiaantiperspirants crystalsKnown in the East since ancient times - a form of alum, that is, contrary to advertising, the physical action of the crystal is different from the usual work of a ball or stick. One can not say that it isbest antiperspirant. Another thing is that it does not contain fragrances and extremely economical in use. It is worth to learn also that the component aluminum zirconium tetrahlorogidreks in contact with human sweat can ruin clothes, forming a hardening in areas of constant use antiperspirant and leaving yellow stains on light fabrics. So to the actual quality of those nasty sweat marks have no relationship, blame Mismatched antiperspirant.

The modern formula, soft and balanced effect on the skin and is used today by most manufacturers podavlyayushim antiperspirants, was patented in the early forties of the last century a famous Cosmetic Chemists of Illinois Dr. Jules Bernard Montigny. Thus, the first "real" was the American antiperspirant spray Stopette. It was he who opened a new era of hygiene and cosmetic products was named "best antiperspirant 50s ", which is not surprising - the competition he did not have.

Antiperspirants: the release form

The first attempts were made to devise antiperspirant in ancient Egypt; not a little suffering from the African heat, pharaohs shaved armpits and anointed them with a paste made of cinnamon and sandalwood oil. It is interesting that after so many centuries, the main principle of the use of antiperspirant did not change and the issue of the diversity of the product of the revolution did not happen, although the choice appeared. Segodnyashy user, depending on the preferences, can selectbest antiperspirant for yourself: spray ball, stick, gel. Rare and even exotic options remain crystal, cream, talc. Market observations show that, for example, the Europeans prefer to use sprayable antiperspirants, whereas Americans often buy compact solid. The answer to the question, what antiperspirants like the Russians, you will find at the end of this article.

Antiperspirants and health

Since then, as antiperspirants are widespread, tireless researchers began to comprehensively examine their effect on the human body. In the early years of shock was zero information about the relationship of breast cancer and constant use of antiperspirants: by assumption, research, regular intake of doses based on aluminum and zirconium compounds could be carcinogenic in nature. However, more recent data refute such data.

Today, scientists and consumer anxiety causes the content in antiperspirants preservatives, parabens, causing a person a whole bunch of different health problems. But do not forget that parabens were found in most cosmetic products and mass market, avoiding their use should be consistent.

Also, experts warn against the use of antiperspirants, enriched with antibacterial additives (triclosan, chlorhexidine). On the one hand, these products provide a double whammy, finishing off those bacteria that have decided to make money after all then precipitated. On the other - antibacterial ingredients leave behind a scorched field, sparing natural healthy skin flora and negatively affecting the local immunity.

Aluminum-containing antiperspirant active can cause allergic reactions, and alcohol in their composition - irritate sensitive skin. In order to prevent these troubles, issued bealkogolnye antiperspirants with soothing and caring additives, as well as products that use alternative natural substances that constrain sweating - such as oak bark, mica, tea tree oil and sandalwood.

Choosingbest antiperspirant, Be aware of their needs. You should not use the fact that "potermoyadernee" and of course, if your sweating rather close to normal, no need to buy special foods for people suffering from hyperhidrosis (increased activity of sweat glands). Yes, these tools are able to leave underarms dry, but still it is more medications than cosmetics.

Doctors recommend regular basis to give the skin a rest from antiperspirant, do not use it in predictable periods of active sweating (during sports, sauna, work in the country and so forth.), When the output of the free liquid from the pores should not interfere with anything. Also, before going to bed or applying a new layer of antiperspirant necessarily should be washed off the old, or plug in the sweat glands can create a real "traffic jam" and form a painful swelling, which will have to be removed by a doctor. And, of course, apply antiperspirant always necessary to completely clean, dry skin - otherwise its application simply does not make sense.

Interesting facts about antiperspirants

- The first deodorant antiperspirant appeared in pharmacies of the New World in 1903. It was so much acid that consumers complained about - the product stung sleeve dress armpits.

- In the number of medical studies on the effects on the human body antiperspirants were pretty strange. Including scientists examined the association between intake of aluminum chloride in the body through the pores and mental disorders such as memory loss and impaired speech. And found out that antiperspirants do with it.

- Japanese, as always, what is the difference found. The company has released a clothing manufacturer costumes, antiperspirants, without a trace of sweat absorbing and neutralizing unpleasant smell and manufacturer of food has gone a step further and invented ... chewing gum after eating which the skin starts to produce sweat, smelling a rose or citrus.

- Starring Julia Roberts and Matthew McConaughey has repeatedly and publicly acknowledged that do not use antiperspirants or deodorants. For some reason this did not prevent them to become famous and rich.

Best Antiperspirant: Select a women's magazine readers JustLady

Our editorial staff conducted a survey among the regular readers and subscribers will JustLady our mailing list (by the way, if you still do not get it - it's time to join). We asked two questions:

Antiperspirant what brand you can name the best and most reliable?


What is the form of antiperspirant optimally meets your needs?

The results are already available, and today we share with you the results.

So called his favorite brand of antiperspirant a total of 827 ladies. Were distributed as follows: the most popular among readers JustLady were antiperspirantsRexona (257 voters). They are followed by antiperspirantsNivea (123 responses). In third place -Lady Speedstick (These products our readers prefer 106). Other popular response options were anti-perspirantsGarnier (88)Dove (53)Vichy (33)Secret (30). If you have not participated in the survey and would like to pay tribute to their favorite brand of antiperspirant - welcome to comment on this article!

With regard to the preferred form of the release of antiperspirant spoke a total of 352 people. It was found that most of our readers (129 Lady) prefer roll-on deodorants. For the stick was given 96 votes, spray - 77 for gel - 40. Deodorant cream satisfied only 10 subscribers will dispatch.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: crystal, health, Aluminum, poll, spray, armpit, review, irritation, brand influence, chloride, composition, child, up, zirconium, antiprespirant instinct, antiperspirant, vichy, aluminum, alum