How to properly care for your teeth and oral cavity

How to properly care for your teeth and oral cavity
 White, healthy teeth not only look beautiful, but also greatly facilitate the life of their owner. After all, when there are no problems with teeth, a person can afford any delicacies. Significantly improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Timely and proper oral care to avoid many health problems.
 How to properly care for your teeth - a question that is worth considering. Because oral health will give you not only a beautiful smile, but also the health of the whole organism. Terms of dental care you need to know from childhood and follow them throughout their lives.

With the advent of the first milk teeth parents should begin proper care of teeth and gums of the child. This will train your baby from an early age to take care of yourself and the oral cavity. And in the future child will be able to avoid many problems.

Do not forget about the correct formation of the teeth. Children in the active growth period should be getting a lot of the diet foods rich in fiber. Such products require thorough mastication, such as cereals, legumes, fruits. This promotes the jaws in children, and subsequently the correct growth of the molars.

Terms of oral care

Oral Care must be performed daily. Teeth should be cleaned with a toothbrush with toothpaste or tooth powder, just to clean the interdental space flossing.

It is best to take care of the oral cavity after each meal. There is an opinion that it is necessary to brush your teeth before eating, but during meals teeth and interdental space contaminants of food. Under the action of enzymes contained in saliva, food debris begin to decompose and become a great environment for bacteria to grow.

If you can not brush your teeth after eating, for example, if you are not at home, you need to rinse your mouth with water or a special tool. In a pinch, you can use hydrogen peroxide.

Teeth should be cleaned on the outside of a circular motion, it just provides a good massage the gums that will enhance blood flow and nutrition roots. Chewing surfaces are brushed up and down. From the inside it is necessary to make movements from the roots to the ends of the teeth. This is very good, if the lower side of the inner teeth black.

Means of oral care

Should be very carefully to the choice of a toothbrush. Bristles should be soft and thin. Coarse, thick, stiff bristles clean teeth bad, and can also damage the gums. If you wish, you can buy a toothbrush with a small pillow for tongue cleaning and massaging bristles.

To brush the second generation are electric toothbrushes and irrigators. They speed up the process of cleaning the teeth. The novelty in the market of oral care products - ionic toothbrushes. They attract food particles from the teeth themselves, so that they can be used even without toothpaste.

When choosing a toothpaste should be preferred that do not contain SLS. Whitening toothpaste is better to use is not constant, otherwise you can ruin the enamel. You can, for example, to pick up tooth powder, suitable for everyday use. He not only does not contain chemicals, but also perfectly cleans and whitens teeth.

If your local water is enough fluoride toothpaste do not buy this item. This may adversely affect on the teeth, and your health.

If you aspire to use natural remedies, look for a natural toothbrush - miswak. The roots or branches of the tree arak (Salvadora persica). The tip of pure miswak can chew in the form of a brush, which is convenient and safe to brush your teeth without toothpaste. Besides miswak contains useful minerals to strengthen teeth and antiseptic oil, kill bacteria.

Timely good oral hygiene and visit the dentist every six months to avoid problems with teeth and oral cavity.

Tags: teeth, gums, cavity means care