How to get rid of the smell of onions in the mouth

How to get rid of the smell of onions in the mouth
 Onions gives a special taste and flavor of the dish, but after its use appears halitosis. But that's okay, because it can be eliminated by eating certain foods. So do not deny yourself the pleasure to enjoy your favorite salads.
 Thoroughly clean the mouth mint toothpaste or chew the cud, it is desirable tasteful cinnamon. Often smell "eats" in the language, so keep long enough. Helps to get rid of onion flavor and mouthwash. But all this can be used only if you are at home.

Dairy products minimize the smell of onions and garlic. Drink a cup of yogurt or milk, eat yogurt or a little sour cream. Not bad helps to get rid of the smell of onions green milk tea or strong coffee. Gradually unpleasant odor disappears.

Fresh green onions eliminates odor, if eaten immediately after dinner. Slowly chew a sprig of cilantro, dill, parsley or celery. But after drinking green tongue can take a darker shade, so chew gum or brush your teeth and mouth with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Buy a pack of walnuts, almonds or pine nuts. Pistachios, peanuts and seeds will not work. Eat nuts immediately after eating onions. Or pass the smell at all, or will become less intrusive flavor.

Coffee beans are well eliminate unpleasant odors in the mouth of any origin. Crunching coffee seed and hold it in your mouth for several minutes. If you do not like coffee aroma, then replace it with cinnamon. Eat a bit of crushed cinnamon, drinking her tea or milk.

Fresh fruits and vegetables also help to eliminate the smell of onions. Eat an apple, a little lemon or tangerine, and pineapple helps. But there is no guarantee that the onion flavor leaves your mouth, but that it will be less pronounced, you will feel.

If all else fails, chew gum with a strong aroma. Of course, the smell of onions will not go away, but it will be less noticeable to others. Try not to eat onions and garlic before an important business meeting, then invent a way to get rid of the smell you do not have.

Tags: onion