Hot pepper health and beauty

Hot pepper health and beauty
 Burning red pepper is in the list of favorite products not all. Many did not eat, and insanely sharp taste for a long time will not forget, especially when with him to overdo it. However, long-rich red fruit - this is a real storehouse of useful properties.
 Its pungency chili obliged substance called capsaicin. Alkaloids have a beneficial effect on the body. In particular, capsaicin perfectly strengthens the immune system, promotes the production of endorphins and is easy boleutlyayuschim. So if you have a bad mood and headache in a dish, add a bit of chili peppers.

Additionally, capsaicin possesses antibacterial properties and when used to protect the stomach from penetrating. It's a great prevention of gastritis, ulcers, and according to some experts, and even stomach cancer. However, if you already have problems with the digestive system, you need to use pepper with caution.

Capsaicin lowers blood sugar and perfectly combats insomnia, so eat for dinner anything flavored with chili - and you will sleep well.

Nutritionists say that the red pepper with regular use helps to reduce weight. The fact is that, due to the sharpness of chili reduces appetite and promotes the breakdown of fat cells. Just do not get carried away too much pepper - you should not consume more than 1 g per day.

A mixture of red wine, honey and hot peppers perfectly helps at the first signs of a cold.

But chili is useful not only for health but also for your beauty. For example, because it can make a mask for skin rejuvenation. To do this, grind some pepper and mix with a few drops of olive oil, a teaspoon of food and a small amount of melted wax. Grease person fat cream and apply the mask, and after 7-10 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water.

One-half teaspoon of pepper and 50 g of honey can make a mask for the pomp and glitter hair. Rub the mixture into the scalp, put on a plastic cap and leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse with water.

Incidentally, the hot pepper is quite easy to grow at home on the windowsill. Among other things, he also will be pleasing to the eye bright red even in the most severe winter cold.

Tags: beauty, health, pepper, chili