When the skin is thirsty

When the skin is thirsty
 Dehydrated scaly skin - is usually the result of an unbalanced diet, this illness or insufficient fluid intake. Also, the skin can become dry due to improper care of her.

Dry skin type is caused by reduced excretion of fat. Dry skin has a matte tone, devoid of healthy shine, looks thin and stretched. She often shelled and susceptible to redness, micro-cracks and wrinkles. Unfavorable factors for dehydrated skin are: wind, high temperatures, UV rays and salt water.

In order to prevent premature aging, which is exposed to dry skin, it is necessary for good care. First of all, you need to start eating right, taking vitamin and mineral complex, and drink plenty of water.

Skin care need to use delicate means: special lotions, liquid or lotion to remove makeup, moisturizer, hydrating mask, etc. Pay special attention to the area around the eyes, the skin on the temples, lips and the area around them. Need 2 times a day after gentle cleansing facial to use a special cream for the skin around the eyes and lip balm. On the face and neck should be applied moisturizer.

Dry skin is better not to clean with soap. Use a special lotion, tonic or food - sour cream, yogurt, kefir, whey. Also a good cleansing using a cream gel and a soft sponge. Wash is better to use from wells or rainwater. If you use tap water, to soften its citric acid or apple cider vinegar and grease before washing the face with a fat cream. For dry skin type is very useful contrasting compresses and washing. After washing, do not wipe the face, let it dry out a bit, and even on damp skin liberally apply moisturizer.

For dry skin of the body after each washing, apply a moisturizing lotion. It is important to use a special cream after epilation.

If in spite of the fact that you take good care of the skin, it continues to be dry and flaky, you should see a specialist (cosmetologist).

Tags: skin, face, tool, care, body, dry