Teeth whitening with strawberries

Teeth whitening with strawberries
 Smile a friendship, uplifting and discharges the tense situation. But not everyone is perfect smile. Lack of white teeth makes us smile less and complexes. You'd be surprised, but superbelizny can be achieved by ordinary strawberries.

Undoubtedly, this method of teeth whitening is not as high quality as in the office of a dentist. But if we take into account the fact that professional bleaching destroys tooth enamel, whitening strawberries can try. The fact that some natural strawberry comprises bleach components which are able to make your teeth whiter.

Delicious whitening spend very simple. To do this, you need to crush the berries on the toothbrush or squeeze a little juice. Clean teeth are thoroughly rinsed as strawberries contains harmful to dental enamel fruit acids and glucose. In addition, these teeth cleaning method will help protect you from stomatitis, caries and periodontitis.

After drinking red wine or coffee, you can clean your teeth with the help of strawberries and soda. The recipe is simple. Take a ripe strawberries, crush it and mix it with half a teaspoon of baking soda. Soft-bristled brush, apply the mixture. This mixture is recommended to keep the teeth for 5 minutes, then thoroughly brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Do not use this type of teeth whitening too often.

Fruit acids cleaved enamel, which can lead to its destruction. Thus, using strawberry bleaching often you bring yourself even greater harm. Teeth become sensitive to hot and cold foods and the use of soda can scratch the gums, leading to their bleeding.

You can use the method and easier. Simply an excuse ripe strawberries in the teeth, wait a bit and rinse your mouth. This, of course, no substitute for professional care, but give your smile a little sparkle. That strawberry juice can affect the whiteness of the teeth, dental scientifically proven.

Tags: tooth, strawberry, care, whitening