Pros and cons of large breasts

Pros and cons of large breasts
 Magnificent bust may be perceived as a luxury jewelry woman and her figure as a disadvantage, depending on the preferences of a particular person. However, in addition to the visual appeal, or, on the contrary, the unattractiveness of large breasts has other advantages and disadvantages.
 Large female bust can cause in different men different reactions. Someone, for example, is glad that the woman is for what, and someone dares to unflattering comparisons buxom lady with a cow. In any case, it is important to remember that the tastes and preferences are different, and have large breasts still have a lot of fans.

The disadvantages include the complexity of the magnificent bust in sports and in particular run. To some extent, this problem can be solved special clothes, but still remain some inconveniences. On the downside, large breasts can also be ranked by the fact that it is often inconvenient to owners sleep on my stomach. In addition, if a girl wants to lose weight and sits on a diet, the first decrease in size is the chest, rather than the waist and hips. Besides, it also loses its attractive shape and unpleasant sag.

Clothing in this case - is another stumbling block. First, find an inexpensive but very high quality bra that is well supported breasts, without making excessive load on the shoulders, is not easy. Second, if the owner is still magnificent bust and slim waist, choose the appropriate blouses, and some other things will be difficult. The most common items of clothing or tight chest or hang a bag on his stomach. And finally, have to forget about wearing fashionable clothes worn by the girls at the shows, because professional models rarely have large breasts.

Of course, there is a large chest and dignity. If you choose good clothes, the attention of boys will be provided. Women with a magnificent bust may wish to make her lover a delightful massage breasts that just drives some men crazy. Luxury chest diverts attention from such deficiencies figures as full hips or a large tummy, making the figure more attractive. And if a woman is not ashamed of his bust and knows how to dress, it certainly will consider very sexy and attractive.

Tags: lack of dignity, breasts