Most popular recipes to preserve youthful skin

Most popular recipes to preserve youthful skin
 Modern industry produces tons of daily beauty care products is the application of which promises to preserve his youth. But do not be upset if the budget does not allow to buy all those fancy new items since nature has taken care of the beauty of a woman long before people put makeup on production flow.
 Many folk beauty recipes tested for decades and are absolutely safe. Find your can for every skin type or to resolve any of the problems.

Skin care begins with its purification. Folk remedies for the skin suggest using as not washing with tap water, and decoctions of herbs. For skin prone to inflammation, suitable camomile tea. Tones the face infusion of mint, calendula, mother and stepmother.

Not less successful cleanse the skin milk products. If every day to wipe face with a cotton swab dipped in yogurt or yogurt, the person will look more fresh.

After cleansing the skin tone is necessary, lotion removes the remnants of cleanser and helps to narrow pores. Traditional recipes for skin propose to use homemade lotions.

Anti-aging lotion is made from half cup chopped nettles, which is filled with 200 grams of boiling water and infuse for an hour. After straining at the lotion as a preservative added a tablespoon of vodka.

Glass of hot milk mixed with two tablespoons of strawberry juice and currants. By lotion added a teaspoon of glycerin. The lotion used twice a day and kept in the refrigerator.

Folk remedies for persons offer a huge amount of moisturizing and nourishing masks. If you use them regularly, you can keep the skin young for many years.

For all skin types suitable mask of honey mixed with a teaspoon of curd and a few drops of any fruit juice.

Tones and helps prevent premature wrinkles mask crushed banana and a teaspoon of sour cream.

Nourishes the skin mask made of buckwheat or oat flour diluted in milk or cream. This mixture is light facial massage, mask and then aged for a quarter of an hour.

The more often be used improvised cosmetics, which can pick up at any time of the year, the better it will look like leather.

Tags: skin, face, tool, recipe, youth, conservation