Lights up correctly

Lights up correctly
 Summer time begins to delight us with a welcome by the sun, and thousands of tourists flock to the beaches where to indulge in idle frenzy "doing nothing" and a favorite sun baths. However, despite the seeming simplicity of the process, many people are unaware how to tan properly.

In fact, the procedure can be called by a tanning art that requires a careful and responsible approach. Furthermore, no means ignore the dangers of excessive dose of ultraviolet rays to the skin and the human immune system. Because ultimately, the infamous tan, there is nothing but as a defensive reaction of the body is under stress.

Nevertheless, the influence of fashion and modern notions of beauty swarthy body "spodvigaet" for many many hours lying in the sun, despite the warnings of hundreds of doctors. Well, if the desire is so strong, you should at least learn how to sunbathe properly to a beautiful result does not resulted in multiple health problems.

The most basic and indispensable condition in this case is, of course, moderation. Regularity and strictly seasoned while sunbathing not only will protect the skin from burns, and body from overheating, but also make the result more stable. Sunburn thus obtained methodical and durable manner on the skin delayed for a longer time and will not cause the rapid change of the epidermis, which typically occurs when excessive doses of sunlight.

In addition, gradually increasing over time and regular stay on the beach will prepare your skin for a hefty dose of sunlight. However, the same procedure can be successfully prodelyvat solarium, long before the planned vacation to take the beach season, as they say, fully armed.

But be that as it may, common sense should prevail even in such a pastime, as a fire. And even in the case of an ideal tolerance to high temperatures and sunlight precautions are essential. Headdress, creams and lotions for tanning, drinking plenty of fluids and control of time in the sun can be a guarantee not only safety, but also a great appearance of tanned and cheerful visitors.

Tags: skin