How to hide your ears

How to hide your ears
 The shape and size determined by the nature ears, but if they are too large, it can deliver its owner a lot of problems. The most radical method to get rid of droopy ears - otoplasty it, but if surgery is not appropriate, you can use cosmetic techniques.
 Suitable in this situation hairstyles, hide ears. It can be as short haircuts and long. Recent camouflage ears the most successful. If I want to collect hair in a bun or tie the tail, just need to leave the two side locks free.

A number of medium length hairstyles are simply created in order to disguise the big ears or visually pull the face. This hairstyle, creating an oval around the head. It is only necessary to comply with such proportions in which the shortest strands cover their ears. In the future, the hair can be cut exactly like a haircut bob or fall stages.

Asymmetric grading goes out of fashion for several seasons. Laid strands can be both inside and outside, but the shortest locks must reach the cheekbones. These hairstyles look best on straight hair. If your hair is curly, it is better to choose a longer length, as put them so that they covered the ears hard enough.

Butch also can hide your ears, but this length shall cover at least their upper part. These hairstyles have several advantages: they are easy to care for and will cover the ears in all weather conditions. Short haircuts are not afraid of the wind, longer than long, retain their shape when wearing headgear.

Sometimes there is a question about how to hide deep in situations where wearing them in loose form quite uncomfortable. Let's say in sports. You can use the bandage of elastic fabric that will add the image of style.

But no, even the most perfect ears do not help draw the attention of the opposite sex in the case where there is no self-confidence. If you take your ears are not a defect, but as a special highlight, you can wear any hairstyle and look great. A typical example of this style - is Liv Tyler, ears, which did not prevent her success.

Tags: hair, ear