How to fix the shape of the nose

How to fix the shape of the nose
 Correction of the nose can be radically and temporary. You can take advantage of makeup products to visually change the proportions of the nose, and can refer to a plastic surgeon who tweak its individual parts.
 Literate makeup will make the nose thinner, slightly shorten its length, make wider etc. To change the visual proportions you need concealer two shades - one of them must be a tone lighter base tone means, and the second one or two shades darker. Broad wings of the nose, elongated tip or bump should mask of foundation or blush dark shade and highlighter lighten the back of the nose. Snub nose can be straightened, darkening nose and the bottom of the nose, as well as to lighten the tip of the nose. Long nose tip or rounded down, you can hide, filling in his dark powder. All transitions must be well feathered, that was not a sharp contrast.

There is a special technique of changing the shape of the nose with the help of exercises for the face. Its effectiveness is highly questionable, but during intense workouts, you may be able to achieve some results (make the nose thinner, for example).

Injection under the skin collagen fillers - effective and common way to change the shape of the nose. So you can smooth out the bump or increase the thickness of the sides of the nose. The disadvantage of the method is that the results can not be considered long-lasting - a year and a half, requires the re-introduction of the drug, since collagen is resorbed. Method does not change the length of the nose and the shape of the nostrils.

Rhinoplasty is the most radical and effective method of changing the proportions of the nose - with the help of plastic surgery can correct any form. During the operation, there is a replacement of cartilage, bone removal. After the operation will have to be like some time with a band - it can be a gauze (if not affected bone structures) or gypsum (requiring reliable fixation of tissue). After about two weeks, when the swelling subsides completely disappear and dark circles under the eyes, you can see how much the nose. A year later, usually assess the results of rhinoplasty. In a single operation can correct all defects and deficiencies - the method can improve the proportions of the face and give it another expression.

Tags: shape, nose, procedure, rhinoplasty