How to build lashes

How to build lashes
 Eyelash extension procedure in beauty salons appeared relatively recently. However, it has already received great popularity among the fairer sex. This is understandable. By way lashes look beautiful and practical. You do not need to spend time and money on ink, wash it every night. Not to worry, that while swimming or rain paint can leak.
 Currently, there are two types of eyelash extensions. The first of these - the traditional (or beams), the second - on Japanese technology, when the paste one cilium. The latter type of winning more. Such lashes hold up to 3-4 months.

Building materials can be natural or artificial (e.g., mink hair or silk). From the first one is better to abstain. They may contain nylon fibers and cause allergic reactions.

The procedure itself is the capacity that using a special resin based adhesive to the base of your own eyelashes artificial hairs are attached. They vary in length and may be a short (8 mm), medium (10 mm) and long (12 mm). To preserve the natural look of the eyes should be the preferred medium length. Clay also is of two types - a colorless, place masking adhesions, and black, imitating the liner.

As a rule, extended eyelashes stay in front of 2-3 months. Thus once every 2-3 weeks to do their correction. The average price for a similar procedure ranges from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles, for correction - 1500-2000 rubles.

After eyelash for 2-3 hours they should not be wet, and for two days - do steam baths for the face. It is not recommended to use fat creams (they dissolve the resin), rub your eyes, use waterproof mascara and sleep, his face buried in the pillow. Remove makeup desirable gel cleanser or lotion for normal mascara. Should beware of chlorinated water and seawater. All these activities contribute to the rapid loss of hair extensions.

Many women are concerned about the safety of this procedure. She, like all the other ways of achieving artificial beauty, has a number of contraindications. It should not be done for people suffering from conjunctivitis, or people who are allergic to the adhesive used.

Women with weak own eyelashes Artificial not last long. They begin to emerge beams, and there is a risk to stay even without natural beauty. Also fall artificial eyelashes in people who use contact lenses or have oily skin age.

Any extensions should be carried out only by a skilled master and better in the lounge with a good reputation. You should never do it at home for private cosmetologists. If you encounter any problems to bring a claim will be nobody.

Tags: eyelash extensions