Homemade soap: taking care of female beauty

Homemade soap: taking care of female beauty
 With the development of industry all detergents steel factory production. But lately, the independent production of soap at home is becoming popular again. It is not surprising, because the production of such home remedies are not only more environmentally friendly, but also more healthy. What are the advantages of this tool?
 As a rule, in the manufacture of such soaps use natural ingredients: oats and honey, wheat and coconut, calendula flowers and chocolate, coffee beans, orange zest and lemon, loofah, and others. In detergent added handmade natural oils - olive and sea buckthorn, cocoa butter, wheat germ oil. Especially valuable are the essential oils - sea buckthorn and olive, almond, peach, rose, ylang-ylang, they can have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, soothe her and make it more tender. Also soap may be added to the components, such as cream, milk, herbal teas and even vitamins such as vitamin E.

No members of artificial chemicals soap helps avoid drying of the skin, as well as plaque which remains on the skin after use of conventional factory soap. Natural components of a home remedy soften and nourish the skin, struggling with its problems, gently peel it, make it more smooth and delicate.

For those who are allergic to the factory products, such soap - a solution to the problem. Indeed, in a handwritten produced means you can control the composition, and do not use the element which causes irritation. Moreover, you can independently choose yourself exactly those components that can help your skin type - whether you want it to soften or vitamins nourish, moisturize dry or.

Making their own soap, you can add aromatic oils that like for you, thus achieve the effect of aromatherapy. Do you need a refreshing scent of citrus and coffee or a soothing aroma of vanilla, chocolate or a tantalizing sensual roses?

Of course, such a detergent shorter shelf life, especially if it has Supplements. However, observing the ways to store, easy to avoid the hassles associated with the expiration date. Handmade soap - another way to achieve health and beauty.

Tags: beauty, benefits, care, use of