Grandma's beauty secrets beauty

Grandma's beauty secrets beauty
 Looking at old photographs grandmothers and great-grandmothers in my youth, you may notice that their skin smooth, beautiful, and his hair thick and shiny. At the same time they do not use expensive to care cosmetics for face and hair. They supported the beauty natural remedies. Therefore, women in old photographs look so natural, natural and attractive.

Grandma's beauty recipes are very popular among the beauties intensively caring for their appearance, as well as among women who prefer natural cosmetics. Homemade beauty products in its action is not worse than expensive means of industrial production.

That the skin of the body and pleasing velvety tenderness, once a week to do a honey mask. If you want to achieve the effect of baby's skin in a bath filled with water, add a liter of whole milk or cream and a tablespoon of honey. Milk and honey - one of the oldest ways to soften and moisturize the skin.

The best natural body scrub - sea salt. It is well removes impurities and leaves skin clean and smooth. But sea salt is not suitable for dry and sensitive skin, as it can dry up and hurt her. In this case, use the coffee scrub. In the ground (fresh or used) coffee, add a little cream and massage the mixture body with gentle movements. Coffee improves skin tone, improves firmness and elasticity.

Another version of my grandmother's scrub - diabetes. To 100 g of sugar is added 1 tbsp olive oil and a mixture of massaging the skin of the body. Sugar clears the skin of dead cells and impurities and oil - softens and moisturizes.

One of the most popular hair masks - egg. Should mix 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. l. brandy or vodka, 1 tbsp vegetable oil. Apply mask on dry hair for an hour before washing and warm towel. This mask gives the hair shine and silkiness, moisturizes and nourishes the hair roots, which makes hair thicker and stronger.

Well as natural masks good use soaked in water or milk black bread, onion juice, mustard, yogurt. After washing your hair rinse useful decoction of herbs: chamomile, sage, nettle, calendula. Hair will be easier to comb, will become the natural splendor and silky.

To enhance the luster after washing hair rinse useful table or a weak solution of apple cider vinegar. To hair shone strongly and were healthy and thick, they need to be carefully and long wooden comb to comb the night with a few teeth.

There are many old wives' recipes face masks, which include natural ingredients: oatmeal, eggs, fruit and vegetable juices, yeast, oat flakes, vegetable oils and others.

In ancient times women liked to do one-component facials, as they can be quickly put in between times - face rubbed in fruits, vegetables and berries to improve skin color. To moisturize the skin applied dairy products - yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt. To soften very dry skin, it greased with vegetable oil, which a lot of vitamin E.

Also useful for skin washing decoction of herbs. They can replace tonics and lotions industrial production.

Tags: mask, beauty, yogurt, secret, cosmetics, recipe