Gold thread: truth and fiction

Gold thread: truth and fiction
 Since then, the woman began to realize himself as a woman, she aims to please, aims to be beautiful and young. At different times, had their own canons of beauty, its rules for youth. And not so long ago the world started talking about a new method of rejuvenation - it's golden thread. Moreover, there are supporters of it, and deniers. Who is right? That of what promises to beauticians and advertising, the truth, and that - fiction?

To begin with we shall understand why "gold" thread? Yes, simply because they are really made of gold of the highest standard. At the end of its needle is attached by means of which the thread and injected under the skin in the place where it is sagging, or started to show signs of aging, forming a grid, which will strengthen the skin tissue. It is striking effect of these threads?

Unfortunately, as yet there is no any real evidence that gold threads give a truly unique result. You will find cosmetologists as advocating this method (most often they offer and at this procedure), and those who believe that a face lift every ten years will give a much greater effect.

How often tells us advertising, this method is still used by the queen of ancient Egypt. However, whether or not worth taking as an example for others to follow historical figures? After all, for example, Catherine de Medici, having, among other things, deep enough knowledge in cosmetology, to use means, which is composed of poisonous lead. As for the ancient Egyptian queen, let us begin to doubt is whether there was a general in those days such technology manufacturing yarns? And Cleopatra, for example, went down in history as the author of cosmetic masks for the face and body of natural products - sesame, barley, honey.

We are told that this method is used by all the Hollywood stars, but nowhere do we find mention of the fact that Demi Moore, Cher, Madonna or any other star of the American dream factory to use anything other than a face lift or laser peels.

Experience the wonderful effect of gold thread or not is up to you, but it's worth to think twice. And is it necessary to immediately seize innovation, which is still not sure even the doctors and beauticians?

Tags: skin, face, gold, however, thread lift, cosmetology