Three steps to clear skin

Three steps to clear skin
Due to bad environmental and other external factors, people complain of skin problems. To normalize its status, you need patience and perseverance. After all, with a serious approach this problem is completely solved.
In order to restore the skin and restore its healthy appearance, integrated approach is needed. Start by cleansing. This procedure is desirable to carry out every morning and evening. After sleeping remove sweat, sebum, and in the evening street dust and remove the remnants of makeup. Cleansing can be performed by any means, for example, a special foam or jelly.

Removes dead skin cells. They hinder eating and breathing of the skin. This should be done twice a week. During the summer, three times better. Scrub activates fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastic members in the tissue. In this regeneration occurs. After these manipulations significantly enhanced cell growth begins restoration and renovation of a healthy layer. Please note that it is not recommended if there is severe inflammation and sores.

After deep cleansing skin tone is necessary. This procedure is imperative. Using tonics helps to normalize the water balance in the tissues, which is broken after cleaning action. In addition, toning prepares aftercare example application of any nutrient or moisturizing creams and masks, they will give a more efficient result. When choosing the means to care guides are especially your skin. It is best to purchase natural cosmetics in specialized stores, it is more safe and effective.

If you take good care of their skin, but the situation does not improve, you must consult a doctor-cosmetologist. He will take tests, will pick up the necessary examination and appropriate treatment. Also advises funds home care that will suit you.

Tags:leather, step procedure