Start by cleansing. During washing gently massage the skin. This procedure is better to use cool water, not warm.
1. Activate all the points that are responsible for the clarity of the contour of the face to your skin become more supple and taut. For this somknite fingers and symmetrical movements pads of both hands make light movements presses. Press gently and easily. Repeat three times in the entire chain of movements. Hold your fingers at each position for a few seconds. Turn your attention to the fact that the tip of the fingers were lined up in one line.
Massage the cheekbones lightly fingers. Then the same movements go to the nasolabial fold. Gently press down on the upper lip. Once under the lower lip do the same.
2. index finger three times gently press down on the inner corners of the eye near the nose. These movements relieve swelling and stimulate the flow of lymph. If you do this procedure at home, try to avoid friction and stretching of the skin. During the massage, you can also use pieces of ice that will give you a brighter complexion and freshness.
3. It should be put on your face light serum. With the help of her skin care becomes more intense, respectively, and the results achieved with the help of a lot faster. For a start, warm the tool in your hands, then spread over the entire skin, thus do not forget about the neck. And just one minute your face will look much brighter and fresher. Also, do not forget to use a special day cream, then safely proceed to the make-up.
Always remember that the problem, which is related to the care of the skin of your face is much easier to prevent than to begin to deal with its symptoms.