Miniplastika - an alternative to plastic surgery

Miniplastika - an alternative to plastic surgery
 Age-related changes of the skin appear after 25 years, but not all women are ready for drastic measures to eliminate them (plastic surgery). Many surgeons do not advise to do it at an early age. To eliminate such a little trouble there miniplastika. It is a benign methods to eliminate the first wrinkles without radical surgery and consists of a series of procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation, tightening it and restore facial contours.

There are two types of massage: manual and vacuum (hardware). Exposure occurs by increasing blood flow and saturation of the skin with oxygen and nutrients. Massage normalizes the sebaceous glands. He has a strengthening effect, eliminates wrinkles, it can be used to restore facial contours and clean lines around the eyes.

 Resurfacing of the face.
In the list of services salons often indicate "dermabrasion" or "microdermabrasion" instead of "grinding". There are two ways of grinding: mechanical and chemical.

Mechanical grinding or dermabrasion is carried out using a special apparatus with rotary blade or laser, which gently removes the top layer of skin. After the procedure requires a long recovery with the use of anti-inflammatory and healing agent. But the procedure is worth it, since removes all fine wrinkles and skin imperfections, evens the complexion appears and elasticity. Has a long action.

Chemical resurfacing or microdermabrasion - a procedure performed using a fine abrasive particles (usually aluminum oxides). Less traumatic for the skin, but the effect is much less noticeable.

Peeling - the most common type miniplastiki. Carried out using solutions of acids (glycolic, lactic, fruit). The most commonly used glycolic acid, as it gives immediate results in the form of alignment of the skin and pores contraction and time - lightening, tightening, smoothing. Estheticians are not advised to do peeling the summer because of the possibility of burns of the skin after the procedure.

Mesotherapy injection is in the middle layer of the skin, often based on hyaluronic acid. The treatments based on the fact that hyaluronic acid itself is contained in our skin and helps retain moisture. Injections supplement our natural supply of acids and trigger natural rejuvenation processes. Mesotherapy course comprises 6 to 8 sessions lasts between 20-30 minutes.

The procedure is a point impact on small wrinkles by current pulses. Microcurrent treatments considered effective, as the impact occurs on every wrinkle separately. They enhance the overall tone of the skin, smooth wrinkles and improve metabolism at the cellular level. Duration of treatment is 50 minutes, the course is designed for 10 procedures.

The procedure is a powerful effect on the skin with a light beam emitted by a special apparatus. Light rays having a different wavelength, which allows it to penetrate to different depths of the skin. Under the influence of such a beam skin starts to produce collagen and elastin. After the procedure becomes more bright and elastic. Photorejuvenation has two limitations: it can not be done on a fresh tan and in the presence of a large number of moles.

 Reinforcement of the golden threads.
Reinforcement is a procedure for implantation under the skin of gold threads is greater than 0, 1 mm in thickness with a pair of polyglycolic acid. This procedure is prescribed for general facial rejuvenation, it is performed under local or general anesthesia. This procedure is done in hospitals under supervision of a physician and after the patient can leave the hospital after three hours.

Gold thread improves circulation, reduces wrinkles, improves overall skin tone. Effect after such a procedure becomes noticeable in two months and fully manifested in six months. Reinforcement is considered very effective, as it saves its effect from 10 to 12 years.

Tags: peeling, gold thread, surgery, mesotherapy, reinforcement, miniplastik