Bend your elbows, fists clenched. Lunged forward with his right foot and, bending his knees a few times spruzhinte. Return to starting position and repeat 10 times for each leg. This exercise will help your buttocks become supple and taut.
Lie on your left side. Left knee bent, right leg straight. Lean on his elbow, his right hand in front of him. Raise your right leg as high as possible, and slowly lower. Repeat 20 times for each leg. The exercises are designed to reduce the amount of your hips.
Lean hands on the back of a chair. Slowly lift your left leg straight back, as high as possible. Keep your body straight. Return to starting position. Repeat 25 times for each leg. Exercise will help tighten your thighs and reduce the appearance of cellulite in this area.
Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width, hands on hips. Squat as low as possible, knees apart. Hold this position for a few seconds. Return to starting position, go up on your toes, straining every muscle, fall. Do 2 sets of 20 times. Implementation of these squats tighten the muscles of the inner thighs and help get rid of the fat rolls on the inner side of the knee.
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands on his belt. Strain the press, pinch the blade and lower the shoulders. Your left leg a step forward and lowered into a lunge. Your knees should be bent so that the left is above the ankle, and the right looking at the floor. Right heel raised. Without changing the position of the feet, tilt the body forward and expand it to the left, reaching the back of the right hand to the outside of the left ankle. It is important to move smoothly, it is possible if, having fallen into a lunge, immediately make a turn. Return to starting position, using mainly the power of the supporting leg. This exercise is the final and is working all the muscles of the legs completely, capturing additional oblique abdominal muscles.
Perform complex twice a week. After a workout devote 20-30 minutes to swim, run or bike.