First of all, pay attention to how you are removing makeup. This should be done with the help of special tools, in any case not soap, to take precious moisture from the skin. Try not to stretch the skin with a cotton pad movement should be smooth and without strong pressure.
Moisturize eye area. Use cream that match your age and skin condition. They can only be directed to hydration or have a lifting effect. A good cream will help your skin easier to bear adverse environmental conditions over time, reduce wrinkles, returns tone and reduce dark circles. All this is possible if the daily use morning and evening. Apply the cream lightly, end pat with fingertips.
Make a mask. There are many options for them, apply them a couple of times a week, changing recipes. For example, grate raw potatoes, wrap in cheesecloth and apply to eyelids for fifteen minutes. Cucumber is also good for such a mask. Try applying a little warm oil and a soft cloth. For this fit, for example, apricot kernel oil, jojoba and jasmine.
Perform exercises. Around the eyes, as well as throughout the body, has muscles. Having worked for them may significantly improve skin condition. Attach to the outer corners of eyes fingertips, gently push. Slowly close and open your eyes for five minutes. You should feel tension when working muscles. During the day, periodically perform the following exercises: Tightly close your eyes for a few seconds, then open wide; rotate the eyeball in a clockwise direction, then - against. All this will help your muscles to start and eventually tighten the skin.
If you do your appearance rather late, and all of these actions give little effect, it is necessary to resort to drastic measures. Try to spend Thermage in the cabin - while it warmed the deep layers of the skin, which leads to accelerated synthesis of collagen (required for elasticity). If this does not produce the desired effect, then your path lies to the plastic surgeon. This is the only method that gives fast and long-term effect of lifting the skin around the eyes.