Face or body can be prepared quickly enough, from simple inexpensive products. She will always be fresh and, most importantly, will be prepared exclusively for your skin. The main thing is to know how the ingredients affect the skin, and, on this basis, the composition pick for yourself.
First we need to define the basis for your mask. This is quite suitable as milk and dairy products, vegetables or fruit pulp (slurry), moreover, it can be powdered clay, available at any pharmacy, and finally your own cream.
Thus, the ingredients and their effect on the skin:
Mayonnaise and milk - refresh, rejuvenate the skin, making it supple and improves circulation. In addition, mayonnaise moisturizes, brightens skin and milk.
Yogurt, kefir, yogurt, sour cream - bleach the skin, nourish, cleanse. Improve metabolism and blood circulation. The more acidic foods, so it is more useful for oily skin.
Eggs: for oily skin - white, dry - yolk.
Olive oil - soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.
Raw potatoes and cucumber - pores and soothe irritation. In addition, cucumber bleaches, tones and refreshes the skin.
Apple and lemon juice - bleach the skin with vitamins. Lemon juice for oily skin. If you have tanned skin, you should not apply undiluted lemon juice, otherwise it will be an uneven tan.
Calendula, chamomile - has anti-inflammatory, healing and analgesic effect.
Tomatoes - pores, reduce oiliness of the skin.
Aloe - aligns the surface of the skin and tightens it.
Radish - a little bleach.
Honey - has a healing, soothing and rejuvenating effect.
The mask is determined based on your skin type, present problems. The ingredients may be mixed, combined in different ways. The only thing you must always remember: do not need to be used to prepare the mask those products for which you are allergic, so with extreme caution, use honey, eggs, and citrus fruits, as These products belong to a group of strong allergens.