How to get rid of warts at home

How to get rid of warts at home
 Warts can occur for various reasons, so before you get rid of them, should go to a dermatologist and see if you can remove them at home.  
 If the doctor is allowed, you can try to get rid of warts using the juice of celandine. The most effective is orange juice, located near the root of this plant. Lubricate them warts twice a day until complete disappearance.

Good results are obtained garlic-acetic tincture. Preparing it as follows: 3-4 cloves of garlic, clean, chop, put in a jar and fill it with vinegar, apple better (half cup). Let sit for about two weeks. Moisten warts received infusions twice a day. Gently move a procedure, make sure that the mixture gets on your skin.

In the fight against warts and help ordinary potatoes. Take raw tuber, wash and not cleaning, rub the top layer with the skin on a grater. Arrange potato mush on polyethylene or paper packs, attach to the wart, lock the tape. Do these overlaps daily at night for about a month.

Not bad output warts onions. It is necessary to overcome the 1 teaspoon of onion juice and mix with honey (half a teaspoon). This ointment is applied to problem areas and anything fixed. A can be a few times a day to cauterize warts iodine: the third day they dry, and then fall.

Very effective spurge molozny. Apply its juice on the wart every day. Immediately after lubricating the surface build-up starts to blacken. Very carefully remove it with nail scissors and disinfected again anoint wart juice.

Solve this vexing problem and aloe. It should be in a glass of warm water add half a teaspoon of baking soda, stir in soda solution to moisten a cotton or gauze and hold it on the wart for about ten minutes, and then attach a piece of aloe fix bandage or plaster. The procedure was carried out every day at night.

Tags: domestic, condition, wart way, the removal of the struggle