First of all, you must know that safe from a medical point of view while sunbathing - this morning to 10-11 hours and the night after 16 hours. Sunbathe under the scorching sun, located at the zenith, is harmful to health: unconsciously can be burned up to the formation of huge blisters filled with fluid. Scientists claim that the intensity of the sun is a risk factor for skin cancer. Time from 11 to 16 hours spend in the room: a room or hotel lobby, because even at that time sprawled in the shade under an umbrella, you are within range of the sun's rays and continue to sunbathe.
While sunbathing gradually increase. If you lie down immediately under the sun for half an hour, the skin glows, and "burn", and what at first seem like a desirable tan, together with the skin will peel after a week and a half.
Going to the beach, spread a special body tanning. Sales of great variety, with varying degrees of protection (SPF), but you need to choose a suitable for you. There are four phototype people, depending on the level of skin pigmentation (so-called classification Fitzpatrick):
1. Blond hair, eyes - blue or green; red hair, milky skin.
2. blond or red hair, eyes - gray or brown.
3. Hair - dark blond or brown, leather is quite bright.
4. The hair and dark eyes, dark skin.
The first type requires money with the maximum degree of protection, and the fourth type may be satisfied by means of a low SPF. Experts advise to have even 2 sunscreens: one with a level of protection SPF of at least 25 - for the first days of beach, the other - with SPF 10 - used when the skin is already accustomed to the sun.
Sunscreens are an average of 3 hours after which time the skin must be covered with a new layer of sunscreen, milk or lotion. The same should be done after bathing, as most funds are unstable in water, and returned to the beach, you will find yourself without protection from the sun.
Located on the beach, be sure to wear a headdress or a cotton handkerchief, as a condition of hair due to intense sunlight can significantly deteriorate. Protect eyes with sunglasses.
Lying in the sun, give up reading and try not to fall asleep: in both cases it is likely burns.
Follow these rules and let your tan will be beautiful!