Habits that are harmful to the skin

Habits that are harmful to the skin
 Leather - is not just a "cover" for the internal organs. It plays an important role in the human body, including an indicator of health. Its appearance can tell a lot about your habits. There are the most common "bad habits", the rejection of which will help you improve the condition of the skin.
 In the first place there is smoking. Even the smoking of several cigarettes a day gives the skin a sickly yellowish or grayish hue. Women who smoke will develop wrinkles. Nicotine and tar entering the human body, prevent skin heal itself, deprive it of nutrients. Smoking also contributes to acne rash.

Alcohol - the second habit that does not paint a woman. It contributes to dehydration of the skin, slows down the process of cell regeneration. It causes skin dryness and of course, the appearance of early wrinkles. Education bags under the eyes, inflammation of the skin - as a result of alcohol consumption. Even exercise, diet and implementation of procedures for skin care can not fully compensate for the effects of alcohol.

Special care professionals is unhealthy fascination with some women tan, especially artificial. Hard ultraviolet rays cause skin damage, this leads to the formation of wrinkles, the appearance of dark spots. Increases the risk of skin cancer - melanoma. Excessive UV radiation causes a protective reaction of the skin - makes compacted layers to increase, making the skin more rough. Summer must use creams with SPF, the level of which depends on your skin type.

Passion for peeling may also cause some harm. Ideally, this cosmetic procedure to be performed no more than twice a week. Daily exfoliation will not make your skin more clean, but will cause inflammation and irritation. Use to clean your face scrubs with fine abrasive particles, massage the skin gently and carefully. If there is irritation or damage, put the cleaning process of the skin.

Habits that are particularly vulnerable to young girls - leave at night not been wiped out makeup. This is unacceptable absolutely. During the day it absorbs a lot of foreign matter - dust, sand, particles of air pollution. The film itself is harmful to the skin. Moreover, it also prevents it to breathe and recover. Hence the appearance of acne, dermatitis, inflammation. Be sure to clean the face at night and apply the cream for your skin type.

And finally - in any case not squeeze pimples. Just so there is inflammation (from getting an infection) and form scars. It is better to make a mask of cosmetic clay, to use special means of acne.

Tags: leather, habit, harm, cause aging