As beauty depends on the mood

As beauty depends on the mood
 Emotional background of man, or in other words - the mood, have a significant impact on physiological processes. These include those responsible for the formation of external attractiveness.
 One of the most common reactions to severe stress is reinforced by the sebaceous glands. As a result, the pores become clogged and pimples occur, most often - on the face. Prolonged tension can trigger psoriasis and eczema. In addition, the skin becomes unhealthy pale yellow color. The fact is that during severe stress redistributes body oxygenation, giving preference to those bodies that are most needed for their livelihoods. The body's resources are not limitless, so it is only due to malnutrition other tissues.

We can also mention the effects of stress on the body weight. Up to a certain age, the body's reaction to severe stress is loss of appetite, but eventually hormonal processes are slowed down, and during the depression there is a desire to eat as many sweets, ie "Seize" stress. As a result, the weight increases, there fat that does not contribute to improvement of appearance. Moreover, excessive use is fraught with problems sweet skin.

Physical attractiveness is also dependent on the normal operation of such organs as the liver, stomach, and in principle, the digestive tract and cardiovascular system. Negative emotions such as jealousy, self-pity, the overwhelming anger and guilt can lead to failures in their work, which immediately affect the external appearance. We should also note that long-term depression can affect immunity, causing his weakening and increasing the risk of accidental disease.

Humor can also have a positive effect on beauty. The thing is that with a positive emotional background of normal flow of hormones that are responsible for the appearance, such as growth hormone, DHEA and estrogen. Production of these hormones provides normal skin condition improved fat burning, preventing the formation of fatty deposits, as well as improve the functioning of muscle tissue and ligaments.

Tags: emotion, beauty, view, dependence