The methods of teeth whitening

The methods of teeth whitening
 Even white teeth not only decorate its owner, but also serve as an indicator of good health. Over time, even healthy teeth may darken, and many since birth can not boast Hollywood smile - the nature of some people have yellowish or grayish teeth. Help solve the problem of the achievements of modern dentistry.

In the dentist's chair

All teeth whitening methods are divided into domestic and professional, and home bleaching is performed under the supervision of a physician. Professional approach especially for those who want to become white teeth quickly and permanently. Modern medicine has the following methods to change the color of teeth:
- Chemical bleaching;
- Laser whitening;
- Photobleaching.

Mechanical whitening - it is rather a high quality cleaning. Using ultrasound or a mixture of water, compressed air and cleaning powder teeth back natural color, but make them white as snow, so it is impossible.

Chemical whitening teeth involves the application of special oxidizing composition based on hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Highly concentrated gel for 1-2 sessions intensely changes color, and the effect of this procedure is maintained for several years. However, after such exposure teeth become more sensitive, they require specially strengthened through fluoride varnish or other professional tools.

Laser whitening is also produced by means of an oxidizing gel, but the action of the laser beam is activated. This is a faster way than a conventional chemical bleaching, moreover, the effect of it lasts longer.

Photobleaching laser differs only from the fact that the oxidizing gel, applied to the teeth, is irradiated with a halogen lamp - activated by light action of the gel, the teeth become almost white porcelain. Photobleaching can be used at high sensitivity enamel.

Home bleaching

Home bleaching methods require more time to achieve the desired effect. If the trip to the dentist inspires you fear, and make your teeth white still want to, you can take advantage of special pastes are abundant on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores shelves. However lighten teeth a few shades paste are not able to - they just remove plaque, which is formed from tea, coffee and cigarettes, become the owner of a dazzling smile, if you have never been to them, using them is impossible. In addition, use them all the time is not recommended - clean teeth whitening toothpastes do not often several times a week.

"Whitening" chewing gum are not able to whiten anything - they only help to remove leftovers from between the teeth and freshen breath.

Special gels based on hydrogen peroxide have a more marked effect, but use them require a long time - at least two weeks. Oxidizer in the compositions for home use has a low concentration, it is necessary to lay a special mouthguard made from a cast of your teeth. Have to wear a mouthguard for doctor prescribed scheme as long as necessary until your teeth are not acquire the desired degree of whiteness.

Often you can find recommendations on their own to whiten your teeth using a conventional hydrogen peroxide, activated carbon powder, soda, fine salt or lemon juice. Follow such advice can not in any case - if, of course, burns on the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums, or damage to the enamel of the teeth "safe folk remedies" are not included in your plans, and you do not wish for many years to be a regular customer dentist.

Tags: home tooth white method, white, bleaching