Terms of care for a fresh tattoo

Terms of care for a fresh tattoo
 To serve you tattoo decoration for life, not blurred and faded over time, requires not only highly skilled craftsmen and high quality pigments - it is important to properly care for the tattoo to its full healing. Poorly organized care could cause not only change the look of the tattoo, but also serious health problems.

What should I do?

After patterning master machined surface tattoos and make a special bandage. Need to remove it after several hours (usually from 3 to 12) to the wound surface was air access. After removing the bandage the skin should be flushed with clean, warm water can be child or anti-bacterial soap, dry with a soft towel, not rubbing, and to evaporate any remaining moisture. Then you need to apply a thin layer of wound-healing cream, preferably with an antibacterial ingredient in the formulation. Usually recommend the use of creams with D-panthenol. Closing film or a new tattoo armband after that is not necessary.

When the pattern on the body is covered with a crust, you need at least two times a day to put on it all the same cream - is not only impede the penetration of infection and speed healing, but also help to hydrate the skin, or drying crust can bring a lot of discomfort. Wash the tattoo can place warm water in the shower (it is better not to take a bath), thus it is impossible to rub and stretch the skin, excessively wet tattoo.

Sometimes recommended before showering grease tattoo cream or petroleum jelly, and then close the cling film.

Continue daily application of creams need to complete healing - usually it takes 7-14 days if properly care for a fresh pattern and prevent infection. Applied to the skin cosmetics, including scrubs and peels, it will be possible only after the tattoo is completely healed. Prior to this, it is recommended to wear loose-fitting clothing made of natural fabrics (except wool) not to expose the tattoo to avoid friction and allergies.

What you can not do?

Until the tattoo is completely healed, you can not:
- Visit bath, sauna, swimming pool, take a bath;
- Sunbathing on the beach or in the solarium, to expose the tattoo to direct sunlight;
- Apply the cream or ointment is not recommended tattoo artist;
- Combing place tattoo or rip off her brown;
- Allow dirt to the skin;
- Handle the wound surface, particularly fresh, an alcohol, hydrogen peroxide;
- Drink alcohol, drink high in caffeine, aspirin and other medications that lower blood clotting;
- Rub the skin with a sponge or washcloth;
- Avoid sticking to clothing or tattoos strong dry damaged skin.

It is also recommended to avoid significant physical activity and contact with unhealed tattoo sweat.

Gentle care and proper implementation of all the recommendations of the master will guarantee that the pattern on your skin will look the way you want without efflorescence and without deformation.

Tags: tattoo, care, usually tat