Ingrown hairs after hair removal: how to prevent

Ingrown hairs after hair removal: how to prevent
 The fair sex will do anything to a beautiful smooth skin. However, regular hair removal, in addition to removing unwanted hair gives such trouble as inflammation and irritation of the skin occurring as a result of ingrown hairs. This is because the hair is not removed completely, and part of it remained under the skin. Weakened after the procedure hair removal hair can not overcome the epithelium and, curving, begins to grow under the skin. Avoid these hairs can, observing simple rules.

Prevention of ingrown hairs

Before removing hair, take a shower or soak in the hot tub. Under the influence of the temperature on the skin pores unfold, reducing irritation and facilitate the removal of hair. Hair should be raised up as much as possible. To give them a position, use the scrub before epilation. This facility should contain round granules without injuring the skin. Can be used as a scrub coffee grounds battered coffee.

How to deal with ingrown hairs

To eliminate the consequences of improper disposal and eliminate ingrown hairs, do some peeling of the skin. Twice a day they treat the damaged area to remove the top layer and release the ingrown hair. Peeling is also suitable for the prevention of problems. Beauticians recommend use it not only before but also after epilation.

If ingrown hairs began to appear more and more often, change the method of hair removal. Temporarily move to use depilatory cream or regular razor.

Apply to the problem area a small amount of the drug against acne (cream with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid). This will help relieve irritation and contribute to rapid healing of wounds. Spend treatment several times a day.

If the hair is so deeply rooted that on the surface of the skin is visible only redness, make a hot compress. Wet a towel with hot water, wring out and attach to the sore spot. When the towel cools down, repeat the procedure again. Do this for as long as you see the hair. If for a long time it did not happen, the cause redness and inflammation - not in balance.

Refuse to wear tight clothes, which makes it difficult to normal blood circulation in the affected areas.

If all of the above tools do not help get rid of ingrown hairs, and the inflammatory process is not stopped, consult your doctor. Do not underestimate this seemingly innocuous at first glance the problem, because the ingrown hair can cause severe inflammation.

Tags: Hair Ambassador, preparation, waxing