How to whiten elbows

How to whiten elbows
 Rough and dark skin on the elbows is a consequence of lack of vitamins or permanent mechanical contact with hard surfaces (habit to sit on his elbows, skin friction on the table, etc.). To deal with such defects should by bleaching and softening the skin.
 Make sure that your elbows are not in contact with hard surfaces, be careful not to lean on them.

Use the lightening properties of lemon to make the skin on the elbows soft and white - lubricate the darkened areas slice of lemon several times a day. Before going to bed make a compress, putting a slice of lemon to the elbows for a few minutes, then rinse the skin and lubricate it with fat nourishing cream.

Gadgets from apple cider vinegar good lighten skin - mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil, add a little salt to the composition. You can grease the elbows or make a compress soaked in a solution of a piece of gauze. After a few minutes, wipe elbows cleaning cloth.

Get rid of the rough darkened skin on the elbows can be using linen packs - moisten the gauze in linseed oil and attach them to the elbows. Wrap your hands on top of polyethylene, secure bandage elastic bandage - in half an hour, remove the wrap. Alternate compresses of linseed oil with bells and whistles of any vegetable oil with essential compositions.

If the skin on the elbows shelled, then prepare the coffee scrub and treat this weight problem areas. Crush a few grains of coffee in a coffee grinder, add a sour cream and honey, apply the mixture on your elbows, rubbing in a circular motion. Then rinse with water. Repeat this process several times a week and elbows are soft and light. While taking a bath treat steamed out skin elbows pumice scrub or salt and sour cream. After the procedure, always apply a thick layer on the skin greasy nourishing cream.

To clean the skin on the elbows of coarse flakes and equalize skin color with the rest areas on the hands, it is necessary to make weekly bath with ammonia. Per liter of water, take a teaspoon of liquid soap and ammonia - water should be warm, and keep your elbows need at least 10 minutes. Composition lightens the skin on the elbows, making it soft and smooth.

Good brightens the skin and makes it soft boiled potatoes - you can use the remaining water after boiling potatoes to the pan, and the tuber pound of honey and apply on the skin.

Tags: skin care, elbow