How to soften the skin

How to soften the skin
 Scaly, dry and irritated skin of the body fairly common problem. Make it more soft and velvety as possible with the help of professional tools and procedures, and independently, using the popular recipes.
 Hydrating mask for the face

1. excellent remedy for skin care is a honey mask. For its preparation you need 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon vegetable (olive) oil, 1 tablespoon of honey. These ingredients should be thoroughly mixed until homogenous. The mask is applied to the pre-cleansed skin with gentle massaging movements. After 20-30 minutes, remove detergent residue with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. Use this tool recommended 1-2 times a week. It perfectly nourishes the skin, eliminating fine wrinkles.

2. Mask mayonnaise no less effective in their properties. For its preparation you will need 1 tablespoon vegetable (olive, almond or peach) butter, 1 egg yolk. Pre-cleaned skin of the face is first wiped with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. After that, applied to the skin and egg yolk soaked in hot water with your fingers held a light massage, rubbing it. Thus is formed on the face texture resembling mayonnaise. After 15-20 minutes, the remnants of the mask can be removed with a dry cotton swab.

Soothing footbath

Usually, the most susceptible heel dryness. Often coarsened and rough skin gives a lot of inconvenience. For hot baths, you will need 2 tablespoons of liquid soap, 1 tablespoon teaspoon soda. In a small basin with hot water, dilute these components. Legs fall in enough hot water, but not boiling water for 15-20 minutes. After that, wipe the skin of the feet with the help of a bath towel and liberally smeared nourishing cream. In the end they can be wrapped in a warm socks and go on vacation. This procedure is recommended to spend the evening. Already in the morning, your heels will be soft.

Caring hand masks

1. Honey mask can make your hands more soft and velvety. For its preparation you will need 1 tablespoon olive (almond) oil, 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 egg yolk and a few drops of lemon juice. These ingredients mix well. The resulting mixture was put on the skin of the hands massaged. After that, put on a special cotton gloves, so you will strengthen beneficial effect means. Experts recommend to apply this mask at night, even then in the morning you will feel the softness and tenderness of the skin of your hands.

2. Not less popular as potato mask for hands. It is easy to prepare and great skin care. 1-2 potato tuber boil in their skins until cooked. Clean it and mash with milk to obtain a slurry. The resulting mass is put on the skin of your hands for 1-2 hours. Top wear cotton gloves. Remnants of the mask removed with warm water.

Tags: skin, face, foot, hand, mask, care, body, bath