How to remove sagging skin on the abdomen

How to remove sagging skin on the abdomen
 The skin on his belly hanging ugly folds - so I figure after giving birth, or rapid weight loss. Get rid of the skin folds on the stomach can be more than one way - to tighten muscles and affect the tissue locally, compresses, masks and body wraps.
 Physical activity should be moderate - an abrupt onset of intense training can become a major stress to the body and cause more harm than good. Increase the intensity of your workouts gradually, day by day by adding the number of repetitions of exercises, be careful not to overwork.

Will help tighten the skin massage - make it better every day, going through the skin with your fingers by various methods (pulling, stroking, rubbing, etc.). If you put on your skin special firming cream formulation for getting rid of cellulite, or simply the essential oil of orange, juniper and bergamot, the effect of the procedure will be much better.

To get rid of fat on the abdomen is useful to add to your life aerobic movement - walking, jogging morning, climbing stairs, warm-up during the working day. This way of life will not only get rid of excess fat, but also tighten the muscles, making them more elastic and supple skin. During training, wear insulated belt or a tight-fitting plastic wrap belly (if there are no problems with the kidneys and ovaries) - your sweating increase, cell metabolism accelerated. If you are a weekly swim or go to the dance, your body will be slim and fit.

Electromyostimulator for abdominal muscles will help you quickly and easily get rid of the sagging belly. You do not have to torture yourself in the gym - a few minutes a day you put on your stomach with a special belt sensor and lay quietly until your stomach tissue receive electrical stimulation. Soft impulses are transmitted to muscles, and they consistently contracting and relaxing.

On a diet you still have to sit out - a low-calorie diet, refusal of beer and sweets, you can easily survive. Especially when there is an incentive in the form of a flat tummy. Every morning start a water massage the tissues of the abdomen - use special nozzles, and then turn the most powerful jet and changing the temperature of the water, study your sagging folds.

Special packs can be applied immediately after a shower or massage - apply on body composition including warm-up components and nutrients, cover with plastic wrap belly and walk so for some time.

Tags: skin, fat, Ambassador, stomach