How to make your skin smooth body

How to make your skin smooth body
 Perfectly smooth, silky skin for centuries was considered an integral part of feminine beauty. Unfortunately, the human body is not perfect. Over time, our skin ages, it loses its smoothness, becoming rough and dull. Restore youth is impossible, but you can cheat a little time making body skin smoother and more radiant.
 Dim grayish hue and roughness of the body gets nasty because dead cells of the epidermis - the top layer of skin. To regain smoothness, it is necessary to release the body surface of dead cells. Today there are many different methods of cleansing the skin and the easiest and most accessible of them - this is the regular use of a suitable scrub.

Scrub - a special cream or gel, containing fine abrasive particles. Its mechanism of action is very simple: when applied to the surface of the body and rubbing solids cling to scrub the dead skin cells and exfoliate them.

Depending on the purpose of scrubs may be soft, delicate face and sensitive parts of the body; containing sharp or rounded abrasive particles; they may include mitigating or therapeutic oils and various nutrients.

Apply scrub to cleanse the skin very easily. After the shower should be applied on the body scrub and massage it thoroughly, applying cosmetic on the skin surface, then rinse with water. Dead flakes removed along with the remnants of scrub and skin will shine with freshness and smoothness. After applying the scrub, it is desirable to smear the body moisturizing cream to relieve irritation from mechanical impact and nourish fresh skin with moisture.

The simplest scrub you can prepare yourself improvised. For example, take a handful of sea salt and mix it with olive oil or butter for the body. The effect of such a procedure would be like visiting the mineral spring. If the abrasive particles for home use thick scrub after drinking organic coffee, in addition to effectively cleanse the skin will get a shade of light tan.

No less effective method of cleansing the skin is its rigid bathhouse massage mitt or brush body with natural bristles. However, it is important not to overdo it and do not damage the skin by mechanical action. Bannuyu mitten most effectively used during a shower or bath, rubbing actively coarsened place. After finishing massage, you need to rinse the entire body of water to wash away dead skin cells.

No matter what method of purification is applied during the procedure should focus on problem areas where the skin becomes rough fastest. These include the elbows, knees, upper arms, thighs and heel. Rubbing cleansing scrub in these areas, it is possible to spare no effort. At the same time, caution should be applied to scrub on sensitive areas such as the inner surface of the arms and thighs, stomach and chest area.

Tags: leather, salt, cleansing, body scrub, the epidermis