How to get rid of traces of chickenpox

How to get rid of traces of chickenpox
 At the wrong treatment of varicella in the skin are often pitted and scarred. Get rid of such traces is not easy, and consultation with a professional doctor will never be superfluous.
 Traces of chickenpox usually remain as a result of complications of the disease, scratching blisters, suppuration and inflammation of bubbles. They do not disappear on their own, so for quality and effective treatment should consult a dermatologist. An experienced doctor, examining the condition of your skin, appoint professional treatments and medications. Ointments and creams that reduce the visible signs of chicken pox, are recommended only on a natural basis. This is because after application of potent chemical agents on the skin can cause side effects, such as allergic reactions.

Preventive procedures

To restore the skin, there is a whole range of different activities:

- Bring the natural healing and accelerate cell renewal helps massage the problem areas. Conduct should be lightly fingertips using special drugs prescribed by the attending physician;

- Restore the elasticity of the skin and to improve its appearance can be using the essential oil of cocoa. It is also applied to the problem areas of the body using light massage movements (1-2 times a day);

- Affect the scars of chicken pox can with the help of vitamin C. Its use should be externally in the form of a cream. This tool can be purchased at the pharmacy.

If preventive measures are powerless and do not seem to be effective, it is necessary to consider professional treatments to restore the skin after chicken pox.

Chemical peels

Removing the top skin layer occurs using special acids that ensures rapid healing of wounds and flattening of the epidermis.


Quite popular today procedure using mikrokristalov. With their help, special vacuum device removes dead skin cells. Already after the first treatment you will notice a visible result.

Laser resurfacing

This procedure is selected individually for each client, depending on the depth of the lesion, the condition and skin type. Comprehensive treatment takes several sessions using special care products.

Note: professional treatments exclusively assigns physician after a full examination of the patient.

Tags: leather, trail, Ambassador, chickenpox, care, prescription, treatment, procedure, smallpox