How to get rid of age spots on his back

How to get rid of age spots on his back
 The skin of most women exposed to direct sunlight covered pigment spots. A significant quantity, typically on the back occurs. There is another reason for the enhanced pigmentation of the skin, and it is - a general failure in the life of the female body. Spots certainly do not add attractiveness of their owner, but you can get rid of them.  
 You will need the carrot juice, cucumber, red currant berries juice, olive oil or corn oil, juice of cabbage leaves and berries of black currant and camomile tea.

You can use a special bleaching agents. But at the same time remember that powerful drugs can cause side effects in the form of dermatitis and various allergic reactions, and myagkodeystvuyuschie quite simply to give the desired effect.

If you do not provide reliable protection dorsal skin from UV rays, whitening will not be effective. To do this, use sunscreen and try to wear closed clothes.

Whitening skin of the back, use the carrot juice, which can further add a few drops of lemon juice. Wet a cotton swab in the solution and wipe them dark spots no more than three times a day.

In order to get rid of age spots on his back through the juice of berries red currant, also soak a cotton ball in it and wipe them back. You can make a mask of red currant. To do this, mashed berries mix with sour cream in a ratio of 1: 1, and the resulting mixture impose on the back. Hold the mask about ten minutes, then remove it with water.

The next way - this whitening using currant leaves. In the cup boiling water brew the leaves in the infusion, add the juice of berries - one tablespoon. Then take a cloth and wet it in the infusion. Attach to the back and hold it for twenty minutes.

Get rid of age spots back will also help mask of cabbage juice. To do this, wet towel or cloth in the juice, attach to the back and hold about ten minutes.

It is also possible to use olive oil or corn oil. Any of these oils wipe the skin of the back. Then make a compress with a towel soaked in hot water. In this case, you can use hot camomile tea.

As a bleaching agent suitable well known to all the cucumber. Rub it on the grate and mix with any nourishing cream at a ratio of 2: 1. The resulting mass imposes on the back as a mask for fifteen minutes. Whereupon the rinse with plain water and cucumber wipe back.

Do not forget to eat as many fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C.

Go to a dermatologist.

Tags: spot