How to determine skin color

How to determine skin color
 Skin tones are divided into three types: neutral, warm, cold. The natural color of your skin is not only the choice of cosmetics, but also jewelry, and even perfumes. In order to determine the color of your skin, you will need to perform a comparative analysis.
 Look at the wrist. If you see a greenish veins, then you have a warm skin tone with a yellow tinge. If the veins are bluish in color, then you have a cool skin tone. These people usually pale face, which creates difficulties in the selection of tonal resources, because even natural colors look artificial.

Zacheshite hair back or make a tight ponytail. Remove makeup from the face. Wrap around the neck of a white towel. Pay attention to shade the face, if on a white background it is highlighted with yellow, then you have a warm tone. If a person is not particularly stand out against the white towels - so you are the owner of cold tones. In that case, if the person nearly peach hue, but at the same time, do not yellow - hence have a neutral skin tone.

You can also define the color of skin using a standard foundation. For the experiment, you'll need these colors: ivory, sand, peach, natural. Foundation shade "ivory" is suitable for women with light skin tone cold. Sand Cream is not for everyone, as it is close to several color shade tanned skin. If he came to you - then you are the owner of a warm skin tone, but the dark tone. Natural suitable for women with light skin tones warm. Peach suitable for girls and women with a rich complexion and skin tone neutral.

Remember that manufacturers produce creams tonal resources under different names, so the experiment take only the first four shades.

If you are perfect silver jewelry - then you have cold skin tone. If gold - then you have a warm or neutral color.

Consult an expert if you can not define your own color. Professionals not only accurately determine your shade, but also pick up means to care for your skin.

Tags: skin tint, color, agent tone