How to achieve the perfect skin tone

How to achieve the perfect skin tone
 It was recently made a surprising discovery - it turns out, a person's age does not give out the wrinkles and gray hair, and uneven skin tone. Indeed, note that children complexion always smooth, but it changes with age - there are dark spots, uneven skin tone and becomes gray. But avoid premature manifestation of these unpleasant symptoms can be, especially since it is not difficult.

Nothing spoils a complexion like dead skin particles. They do not reflect light, the skin appears pale and darker. With age, more and more cells die off and the skin comes in a terrible state. To correct this unfortunate mistake of nature, it is enough to remove dead skin cells with the help of peels. It is important to choose the right peels for your skin. For example, the thin sensitive skin suit only a very gentle cleansing. Peels are contraindicated in inflammatory processes in the skin.

The next stage - the fight against hyperpigmentation. This problem begins to disturb women during hormonal changes - namely, during pregnancy and menopause. To cope with this problem will help whitening masks and creams. They even skin tone and lighten it, making a bright and radiant.

To align the skin tone has a whole arsenal of decorative cosmetics. They do not help to fundamentally solve the problem, but can temporarily hide them from prying eyes. We are talking about adjusters and foundation. Before applying toning agents recommended skin moisturize cream or gel, and only then proceed to make-up. Tonal framework should contain ingredients that protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Proofreader needs to work on the most problematic areas. Concealer can help hide pimples, bright spots and dark circles under the eyes. The places covered ketim means also to be treated foundation, which will help align the complexion. Experts advise to cover the tonal resources and upper eyelids, but women with sensitive skin and prone to allergic reactions it is better not to do.

Once you have worked with a corrector and foundation, you get a perfectly smooth, but somewhat pale complexion. To make it brighter and more natural, you need to resort to blush or bronzer powder. Blush applied to the cheeks towards the cheekbones. Powder coated forehead, nose and chin, that is, areas that are prone to excessive fat. On top of the image, you can cover the entire face powder matting.

Applying a minimum of effort, you will get a nice and smooth skin all day. And no one will know your age, if you do not want to reveal this little secret.

Tags: skin care, color, alignment