Health and Beauty: procedure with laminaria

Health and Beauty: procedure with laminaria
 Kelp - a useful product that is widely used in cooking since time immemorial. But algae not only consume, the range of their application is quite wide. For example, they are part of the medical products and cosmetics.
 Algae - a source of vitamins of the groups A, C, E and D, organic acids, phosphorus, bromine, iodine, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, sodium, and other valuable components. Thanks to the rich composition of kelp perfectly strengthens hair, rejuvenates the skin, nourishes it valuable components and even fights cellulite.

Masks from kelp face

For the preparation of masks for the face using dried and powdered kelp. Take 1/2 tablespoon seaweed and filled glass of water at room temperature. Thereafter kelp left for 1, 5 hours. Then swollen seaweed placed on the folded widow cheesecloth and squeeze the excess water.

If the skin is dry, a paste of seaweed add 1 tbsp mango, olive or other vegetable oil and egg yolk. For oily skin type in the algal mass injected egg protein and 2 tsp lemon juice. To achieve tightening and cleansing effect, a paste add 1 tsp slightly warmed in a water bath of honey. And when one component inflamed skin mask supplement 1 tablespoon juice squeezed from the leaves of aloe, aged for 10-14 days in the refrigerator.

After a cosmetic applied liberally to cleansed face and leave for 27-30 minutes. Next, the mask is removed by wet swab and wash with warm water. Then the skin is covered with a moisturizing cream.

Beauty products for hair based on seaweed

Masks of kelp have healing powers: they nourish hair follicles, scalp clean and normalize metabolic processes occurring there, strengthen hair, etc.

To prepare seaweed mask for oily hair, take the following components:
- 10-15 grams of dried nettle leaves;
- 10-15 g of dry and powdered kelp;
- 150-180 ml water.

Herbal mixture is poured just the boiled water and leave for 27-30 minutes. After warm gruel applied to clean hair and scalp, on top of his head put on a plastic bag and insulated with a towel. Mask hold for one hour, then rinsed with cool water. The recommended frequency of maintenance - twice a week.

Also recommend hair rinse decoction made from kelp (200 ml boiling water 5-7 g seaweed) and dilute a liter of boiled water.

Dry and normal hair is also suitable cosmetic made from kelp. Such a mask recipe is as follows:
- 100 ml of water;
- 2-3 leaves of aloe;
- 10 g of dry seaweed.

Kelp pour boiling water and leave the mixture for 28-30 minutes. After mass enrich chopped pulp of aloe leaves (preferably use the leaves of aloe, which were within 2-3 days in the refrigerator). The finished cosmetic product is applied to clean hair, leave for an hour and wash off with warm water. This procedure is recommended to do 1-2 times a week.

Dull hair shine healthy shine, if they make a mask, which included such ingredients are present:
- 1 part kelp;
- 1 part henna;
- Water.

Seaweed is filled with boiling water, infused for 17-20 minutes, then added to the slurry henna. Cosmetic paste is applied to clean hair for an hour, then wash off with warm water.

Health and Beauty: procedure with laminaria

Seaweed wrap

Algae have a double effect on the skin: they deduce toxins, toxins and reduce body fat, and nourishes the skin with nutrients. Cellulite at home perform two types of wraps: hot and cold. Hot wrap improves blood circulation and excellent fights "orange peel", but it is contraindicated for varicose veins. During the cold wraps strengthens blood vessels, reduces heaviness in the legs, toxins and wastes, as well as reduced subcutaneous fat. In addition, it promotes weight loss.

Seaweed wraps are contraindicated in hypertension, skin diseases, allergies to iodine, pregnancy and cancer.

For the preparation of anti-cellulite mask take 400-430 grams of kelp. If wrapping is cold, algae poured 4.5 liters of water at room temperature and left for an hour. If wrapping is hot poured kelp 4-5 liters of water, the temperature of which must be 45-60oS and left for 17-20 minutes.

Immediately prior to the implementation of anti-cellulite treatments do warming massage, cleanse the skin with a scrub and take a shower or bath. After that, the problem area of ​​the body is applied to prepared seaweed body wrap and cling film. To improve the effect of wear on top of warm clothing or insulated blanket. After 40-45 minutes, remove the anti-cellulite mask, take a warm shower and put on body cooling anti-cellulite cream.

Tags: beauty, algae, health, procedure, kelp, means, cosmetology, mask