Hardware cosmetology anti-wrinkle

Hardware cosmetology anti-wrinkle
 Growing up, every woman understands the need to do something to preserve youthful skin. Permanent facial using cosmetics - that's fine. But there comes a time when you need something more. In this case, it is quite suitable hardware cosmetology.
 Hardware cosmetology widely used in the elimination of wrinkles on the face. These procedures are gentle non-invasive technologies. For this reason, and also because of the stunning results, the methods of intervention bezoperativnogo becoming more fans among the beautiful half of humanity.

One of the latest technology - laser thermolysis. This technique can be used with the 30 years. It is effective for patients up to 50 years inclusive. Before the laser beam will be working on the beauty of the face, the skin is applied to a light anesthetic cream. This is necessary because the laser light can cause pain. When the cream acted specialist begins to apply the laser grid on the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. All this is accompanied by mild discomfort, which can be tolerated because of the cream.

In the process of thermolysis laser beam vaporizes evenly microscopic particles of skin ,. In their place within the next ten days, there will be young cells.

During these 10 days should be applied to the skin specially formulated to relieve burning and help form new cells.

After removing the old cells should undergo biorevitalisation. She made a cold laser. It prepares the cell for introduction therein galuronovoy acid. This acid is needed to bring moisture into the skin. As a result, the top layer is straightened "and the skin gets a healthy, glowing appearance.

Help the skin retain youth can and with the help of ultrasonic devices. Thus, ultrasonic peeling gently cleanses the skin surface dead cells and excess sebum. This leads to the fact that it acquires a young, healthy appearance.

Ultrasonic waves, in addition, improve blood circulation and improve nutrition of the skin cells.

One of the popular methods of anti-aging skin is galvanotherapy. This effect on the skin low voltage currents. Under the influence of the currents therein are accelerated during mitosis - cell division. As a result, the skin is updated much faster and looks pretty young.

Among the latest technology especially popular kosmehanika. Calibration is done on the unit Lift-M6. With this apparatus is carried out three-dimensional stimulation of the skin (longitudinal, transverse and vertical). This procedure starts the processes of natural regeneration. There is a development of own elastin and collagen proteinglikanov.

Connective tissue framework of the skin is restored already in the middle of the course, the person noticeably tightened. The effect of this manipulation of stored permanently.

Before using any of the procedures, you must be sure to consult with your doctor - beautician. Carry out the procedure should only be a highly qualified specialist in the clinic.

Tags: old, wrinkle, acid, cell, child, beam, beauty, hardware, acacia, biorevitalization, thermolysis, kosmehanik