Fancy tuning the summer: Henna tattoo

Fancy tuning the summer: Henna tattoo
 Summer - time for vacations, trips to exotic corners of the world, meeting new people and get new experiences. This is the time many people want to try something new and unusual to please yourself and surprise everyone, without changing its image dramatically. For example, to make a henna tattoo.

Paint the body with henna were representatives of the Eastern peoples thousands of years ago. This figure shows the status of the person about his welfare, is the mascot. For applying henna tattoo on the body from the top of the leaves of the same tree as usual for us to henna for hair coloring. However, henna body has a more pronounced coloring power.

Modern women enthusiastically used the ancient practice as henna tattoo does not harm the skin. Unlike permanent tattoos, pictures and location on the body can be easily changed when the previous bored. Holds a drawing from 10 to 20 days. If you wish, you can get rid of it quickly with a cotton swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide or warm soapy water and a washcloth. The procedure of drawing henna is absolutely painless and safe, but because it is often chosen by those who have not decided on a real tattoo.

Many salons offer to clients to make a henna tattoo. The large beaches or urban parks so you can meet artists who are willing to put a figure. In addition, a temporary henna tattoo with sufficient skill can be applied independently at home.

Before applying a temporary tattoo skin area degreased, removed from his hair, flattened by the peeling. This is done in order to figure lies flat and is kept as long as possible. After the procedure of drawing the skin is treated with essential oils. Tattoo done henna can be fastened with hairspray.

In exceptional cases occur in people allergic to henna, which usually goes away after a few days after the tattooing. To protect against allergic reactions, it is not recommended to do henna tattoo several times on the same area of ​​skin.

Tags: summer, tattoo, henna, tuning