Dark spots. Reasons and treatment

 Violation of skin pigmentation - one of the most painful diseases. No pain, no itching, but interferes with life! Get rid of age spots is much more difficult than to get them. But ask yourself - do you really know enough about the discoloration of the skin and do everything to dark spots were not you? Women's magazine JustLady discusses the nature of hyperpigmentation and modern methods to eliminate its consequences.

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Melanins - a group of pigments produced in the cells of the skin, iris, human hair. They define our phototype - skin tone, eye and hair color. But "ukrashatelnaya" function of melanin is not the main, their goal - the absorption of ultraviolet rays and the protection of the deep layers of the skin from exposure. Brown and black melanin called eumelanin and yellow - pheomelanin.

The initial condition of the skin, is there defined therein melanin pigmentation called constitutional. For example, the constitutional Caucasian has light skin color is determined by the content of pheomelanin. But is it worth it to go to the resort - the skin will become dark due to the reaction of melanin in the sun. And if our Caucasian God forbid sick vitiligo, then covered with milk spots, visible even on the skin of the white shade. Such changes are called facultative pigmentation and hyperpigmentation, or violation of the uniformity of skin color,dark spotsRefers to one of them.

Pigment spots are different ...

Freckles (efelidy, ephelides) - is also a typepigment spots, However, perhaps the most harmless and not without charm. These small otmetinki (the size of a pinprick to a pinhead and different shades - from almost brown until golden beige) appear in them prone to the formation of persons, mostly blondes or redheads. This "election" explained by the specific nature of the skin of fair-haired people she quickly responds to ultraviolet light. In the spring they sprinkle their noses, cheeks and shoulders, because that the increasing solar radiation triggers the production of melanin.

In fact, freckles - it clots Sun, which are not distributed as follows from the uneven work of pigment cells. Therefore, during the cold season, they fade or disappear altogether. By the way, in the course of freckles becomes smaller - the body learns to take a more distributed sunstroke.

Age spots (Lentigo, lentigiles seniles) - what is called "senile ripples." They come to the place of freckles, appearing on the hands, face, forearms - those parts of the body which are subject to regular solar radiation. First lentigines may occur as early as 40 years old and very upset women because they give age and rather reluctant to give in disguise.

Melasma (chloasma, chloasma) -large pigmented areasOccurring predominantly in young women on the forehead, temples, cheeks, upper lip. Lots melasma usually irregular in shape and have a tendency to "come running", forming several small spots one major. Sunlight triggers their appearance. This violation skin pigmentation cause hormonal factors (including pregnancy, use of oral contraceptives), certain medicines and cosmetics (eg, petrolatum, bergamot and citrus oil). Often after pregnancy or termination pills melasma disappear spontaneously.

Birthmarks (nevi, naevus) - these smalldark spotswith well-rounded edges may look adorable, but fraught with potential danger. They are congenital or appear over the years, but their appearance is the same failure of the skin: the pigment cells become crowded in melanocytes (the cells that produce melanin), and their accumulation becomes a mole. The good news - there are birthmarks all people without exception. The bad news - in fact, they are benign tumors that can degenerate into malignant in adverse conditions.

White pigment spots (Vitiligo, vitiligo) - this mysterious skin disease can occur at any age. Sometimes areas affected by vitiligo are small and almost invisible, but in some patients they cover the whole body. Pinkish or milky white spots appear because in certain areas of the skin stops production of melanin. The causes of vitiligo is unknown to science. Presumably, the case of violation of the endocrine system. Vitiligo drastically change the color of the skin of Michael Jackson and he was very much out of luck - all men suffer from this disease is several times less often than women.

Albinism (achromia) - Severe formscongenital pigmentation disorders, Occurs in fifty people out of a million. When albinism entire surface of the body is, in fact,lentigo - The desired cells are available, but are not able to produce melanin. So the skin and hair of albinos absolutely white, and his eyes - red. They are absolutely contraindicated in the sunlight, the skin is simply unable to cope with it. Albinos should be under constant medical supervision. Modern cosmetics, as well as contact lenses help them less draw attention to its unusualness.

What to do?

Treatment of pigmented spots. How to get rid of age spots?

It is important not to forget that dark spots - Not only and not so much a cosmetic problem, as a kind of status indicator organism. If they appear suddenly in appreciable quantities - not necessary to run a beauty salon, and diagnostics.

Dark spots. Reasons and treatment

Pigment spots satellites can be diseases of internal organs (liver, kidney, gall bladder), appear at sexually transmitted diseases and constant stress. In addition, hyperpigmentation even cause incorrect compiled menu and wrong skin care!

Unfortunately, after determiningthe reasons for the appearance of pigment spotsand even eradicating the skin is not always able to return to their usual state. Can help her medicines and modern methods of aesthetic care.

And for the prophylaxis and therapypigment spots extremely important to protect the skin from solar radiation. Just avoid sunlight is not enough - you must regularly use funds with a high protection factor and apply them uniformly.

Another tool in the fight with spotty - drugstore whitening agents, which is present in the composition, for example, hydroquinone or zinc lactate. However, they should be used with great caution - possessing high efficiency and inhibits the formation of melanin in the cells, these creams also have a lot of side effects.

Also, your doctor may prescribe a course of a solution or cream, an active substance which is Retin-A (tretinoin), a stimulator of regeneration, reducing damage from sunlight and helps the skin to renew. Furthermore, Retin-A is used for treatment of acne and acne.

If medicationtreatment of pigmented spots did not give the desired results or you, for whatever reason, decided not to use it, you can go through cosmetic and test the effect of medial or deep chemical peels (more on chemical peeling read on JustLady.Ru), laser correction (completely painless and gives a quick effect, but can lighten uneven affected areas) and phototherapy (perhaps the safest and most effective way togetting rid of age spots).

Do not forget that each of ways to combat hyperpigmentation has its own characteristics and contraindications. Do not take a decision without weighing all the pros and cons.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: site, spot, skin prick chin, Ambassador, salon, frost, freckles, beauty, liver, health, fashion, solarium, protection, tan, sweat, pigmentation, appearance, treatment, fight plaque, whitening, appearance, vitiligo, speck grudnichok