Black spots and dry skin

Black spots and dry skin
 Black dots are formed in the pores clogged sebaceous plugs. Such contamination may occur and oily and dry skin, men and women of all ages. Get rid of blackheads, you can use a regular cleansing and normalization of metabolism.
 Black dots or blackheads which medicine called comedones, appear on the face in the T-zone, i.e. on the chin, nose and forehead. Predisposition to the appearance of comedones inherited, however, a significant role in the growth of acne play violations in metabolism and abnormal facial.

In adolescents, the appearance of black dots, usually associated with increased activity of the sebaceous glands. After the completion of puberty the sebaceous glands is stabilized, and the skin becomes healthy. If the acne does not take place in the adult, this is due to excessive production of sebum due to poor nutrition, stress and smoking.

In order to get rid of blackheads, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, more often in the open air, and try as much as possible to avoid stressful situations. Eat right: do not abuse the sweet and fatty foods, especially fried foods.

In combating blackheads cleansing plays an important role. If you have dry skin should avoid washing with soap or detergent designed for normal or oily skin. Also, do not abuse the peeling procedure. The use of unsuitable cosmetics can aggravate dry skin, which in turn will lead to flaking, redness and acute inflammation.

Wash only foams and lotions for dry skin. To gain a deeper pore cleansing, steamed face once a week over a tray with a decoction of linden flowers and chamomile. Squeeze blackheads is not recommended, as this procedure greatly injure the skin and can lead to inflammation in the contaminated pores. However, you can buy in a drugstore special cleansing strips for problem areas that can be easily and safely remove small comedones.

Tags: skin, dot, care, cleaning, dry