Why scaly skin?

Why scaly skin?
 Peeling skin is familiar to every woman, most often manifested in the winter season. This phenomenon is quite unpleasant, and I want to get rid of it. But it is necessary to identify the causes that can cause the appearance of this problem. Only then will the fight against peeling will be effective.

Initially, you need to consider the problem area of ​​the skin. For example, if peeling occurs in conjunction with inflammation of the skin, then most likely, it is certain diseases - allergies, seborrhea, eczema, etc. In this case, only a dermatologist can help.

Ate skin peeling was observed only on the face, then most likely the case in cosmetics. This may be of poor quality or incorrectly picked up cosmetics or an excess of it. Carefully should be treated not only for decorative means, but also to the means of skin care products. For example, cleansing lotions are too rigid and desiccate the epidermis.

If peeling occurs throughout the body, the cause may be external influences on the skin. For example, thus may manifest allergic to detergent. Prolonged exposure to the sun, swimming in sea water, frequent water treatments with soap can also cause peeling. This is due to the deprivation of the skin of its natural oil glands.

Another common cause of skin peeling is its dehydration. Every day, people should drink 1.5 liters of fluid, otherwise the skin begins to dry and crack. You also need to pay attention to the consumption of coffee and alcohol. These drinks also provoke dehydration. The same effect can cause dry air. In this case, dry skin can prevent houseplants or special humidifier.

Peeling of the skin may occur due to lack of vitamins A and E. Vitamin A is found in butter, liver, egg yolk, especially his rich carrots. Vitamin E can be found in vegetable oils, nuts, and salad vegetables. However, these vitamins are fat soluble, respectively, should be taken only with fats.

In cases where the peeling accompanied by severe itching and inflammation should seek help from a specialist who can determine the true cause of the problem.

Tags: skin, dry, peeling, the reason