What is the ideal length of the legs?

 Evaluation criteria of beauty female feet in abundance. Apparently, the one who took sometime to invent them, carried away in earnest. As a result, there were dozens of features that can be measured by the "ideal" women's limbs.

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"The law of the four windows"

The most famous of the canons of beauty legs says: woman legs should form four windows - between the toes and the ankle, above the ankle, below the knee and above the knee in the lower part of the thigh. The latter shall clearance
be the bottleneck.
There are as many as 13 additional claims to the shape of each leg segment. Thus, the front of the knee should be, according to beauty-songwriters like on baby face with bangs, cheeks dimpled eye and chin. Ideal ankle should be "thin but not skinny" - as they say, feel the difference. The widest part of the hips - "in the first third." Below or above to count? And the back side of the knee "must have a recess." Have
you see somebody perform there? ..

Of course, men to appreciate the beauty of women's feet, there is no need to seek out the eyes and chelochkoy. Incidentally, according to the canons Poliklita waist circumference ladies should be twice the neck. The circumference of the tibia is neck and thigh circumference - to make a half circle shin. The distance from the heel to the waist shall treat the body length of 2: 3. Given these proportions were created classic antique statues. It may look anything but remember all of these criteria, and even more so to make measurements on the first date - it is not an easy task. Fortunately, for the life of men are very simple requirements: long, straight, smart, well-groomed. Note that even if the first two qualities show off does not work, the last more than compensate for shortcomings of Mother Nature.

Ideal formula

But is not it curious how female feet deserve the title of the ideal? To the aid of numerous beauty-researchers who seem to really like
"Dismember" women's bodies and
display all sorts of formulas.

The ideal length of female legsOf course, also calculated:

▪ growth of 161-167 cm - 84-89 cm length of the legs - thigh circumference 56-57 cm - 34-35 cm girth of the tibia;
▪ growth of 168-174 cm - 90-94 cm length of the legs - thigh circumference 57-58 cm - 35-36 cm girth of the tibia;
▪ growth of 175-180 cm - 95-100 cm length of the legs - thigh circumference 58-59, 37-38 shin.
There is another formula: the difference between the longest toe and a half of growth should be between two to six inches depending on the width of the bone.

Interestingly, that if women are considered long legs dignity, the men - a disadvantage. Western scientists conducted an experiment: the participants were given photos of men and women with different length legs, were asked to choose the most attractive. Then, all carefully counting, researchers reported that the ratio of the length of the most sexy female legs and torso (from the crotch to neck) should be 1, 4: 1. A male of 1: 1. How Come? The reason is said to have hidden in psychology: long male torso seems larger and more muscular, and this creates a feeling of security.

Is it possible to build?

And what if the result of the equation is not satisfactory? There are many ways to leg lengthening. Starting from heels, stockings to match the skirt, dress with a high waist and ending surgery. Since academician Ilizarov apparatus invented his famous dream of "building" the limbs become a reality. However, this method is not a pleasant name. Legs deliberately broken (usually in the calf) and placed in a bulky apparatus. He stretches them by about 1 mm per day. Maximum allowable result 6 cm. But why spend 3 months in bed with huge iron things in the legs (this everything else is also very painful), if it is proved that kickboxing, ballet and rock-n-roll lengthen legs in a natural way?

It is well known also that high-heeled shoes lengthen and slim legs. Choose a model with a pointed toe, if your calves are too thin. This form of the sock add them a couple of centimeters (the same rule applies in the "reverse"). If obuvisovpadaet color with a hint of tights and skirt, the lower part of the body becomes visually longer. So do not wear black shoes with bright tights and dark skirt, if cherish every inch length of their legs. Sandals with ankle straps to visually shorten and full legs.

Oh, those legs!

On the topic of coherence and curvature of the legs there is also a separate classification. Legs are:
▪ Slim, ie centers of the femoral head, the knee and foot are aligned.
▪ O-shaped curvature, when the leg bones are deformed, and legs look "wheel."
▪ X-shaped curvature - the bones are curved so that the serried hips ankles to the sides.
▪ with false curvature. This is when the distortion and deformation of bones not, but the soft tissue are distributed in such a way that creates the illusion of uneven legs.

If you find yourself something of the above, do not despair. Any legs look slimmer, if choose the right style of trousers, skirts and shoes. In addition, slightly adjust the shape of calves and thighs can be using tap dance, tennis or running. Bit to "relaunch" the relief of muscle, you make straighter legs.

Star limb

Title holders of the best legs showbiz firmly holds Gwen Stefani. By his own admission, a singer with 12 years of control of his power, and works the same as enthusiastically on vocals, and over the exterior, according to ELLE. Thus, itslender legs daily kilometer marathon run on the treadmill.
Compliments for perfectly folded, athletic limbs used to receive and Fergie. According to the singer, a sacrifice showy appearance she brought her favorite food - pizza. The invention Italians forever excluded from the diet vociferous beauty. In addition, she regularly runs, shakes his muscles in the gym and selected hiking.

Beyonce also regularly appears in the list of owners of the most beautiful legs, despite the fact that its data is far from the model. Meanwhile, the men claim that it is such a lush hips really sexy. The singer admits that the main thing - is to love yourself without regard to the opinions of others. On the daily sessions with a personal trainer Beyonce prefers not apply.

But Victoria Beckham, on the other hand, is registered in the rankings are not the most attractive of the limbs. But its data are almost perfect! It turns out that others confused unnatural gait ex-peppercorn - the result of continuous wear shoes with high heels and platforms. But despite the criticism, confident Victoria does not intend to change the tastes and habits. That in itself is commendable.

Love Petrukhina

Tags: growth model, circumference, femur length, parameter, value, academy, shin, ankle, girth, Beyonce, thighs