Top 10 ways to increase breast

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 It is impossible to imagine an attractive female image without waves, beautiful breasts. Men look with admiration on sexual breasts, and women is a cause for envy. Currently, the whole direction of working on a "cult chest." To improve the shape and size increases to develop new techniques, medications, gymnastics, underwear. Everything is aimed at a woman to like the way it looks. Consider the 10 ways to increase breast without surgery.

1. One of the simplest and most affordable ways to increase breast - gel that stimulates breast growth. This tool provides a short-term effect caused by the power rush of blood to the chest.

2. Using special pills for breast enlargement, which can be purchased in pharmacies. It is composed of natural hormones estrogen and natural herbs. 2 months use of pills can increase breast size by one.

3.Using Tightening cream. They are a little longer than cosmetic gels - up to several days. This method is perfect for short cruises, travel and exotic resorts.

4.Spetsializirovannoe linen, called push-up. It will enable women of modest size bust look simply amazing. Bras have a beautiful shape, design and completely safe for health. Over, it has one drawback - disappointment partner when you remove a miracle underwear.

5.Iskusstvenny tan that impose beauticians in beauty salons. With the use of different colors specialists will create the impression of really lush and sexy chest.

6.Spetsialny vacuum bra increases your breast size. To achieve the effect it must be worn at night for several months. In the bra cups is a vacuum mechanism which stretches the breast tissue and makes it much more.

7.Pitanie containing phytoestrogens. Natural estrogens found in soy, grains and legumes, Brussels sprouts. The effect does not occur instantaneously, but it will be a positive and long-lasting.

8.Spetsialnye exercise for the muscles of the chest. Undoubtedly, the hard work will reward you with the desired result.

9.Gipnoterapiya. It is believed that the hypnotist is able to make your fat cells to move into the chest area. If you give in hypnosis - perhaps this method will suit you.

10. Silicone inserts used in brassieres. They can significantly increase the breast. The disadvantage is the same as in the push-up models - frustrated partner.

These ten ways will increase the breast without causing harm, as opposed to operations. They are available and are quite effective. And you can finally be proud of its forms.

Tags: size, chest, fashion, increase bra