The most fashionable tattoo for girls

The most fashionable tattoo for girls
 Choosing a way to decorate your body, girls are increasingly resorting to tattooing. Tattoo not only allow the hostess stand, but also provide an opportunity to tell about themselves or their preferences. And the most fashionable tattoo for girls emphasize the sense of taste and style of their owner.  
 If you are not sure of the desired picture or changeable mood, better pay attention to temporary tattoos. Gradually, this tattoo will come, and you can put another. Place on the body for printing should be selected very carefully. After all, today's lover of rock concerts in black leather jackets and leather bracelet in 10 years can become an office manager. Misplaced tattoo will then become a hindrance in his career. Figure you should choose to suit your style, lifestyle, personal preferences.

Fashion today dictates the rules not only on certain images, but also to their places of application. Extremely popular tattoos on the fingers and hands. Moreover, it can be as small cute bar and pattern covering the whole brush.

Thing of the past to pull girls tattoo on the lower back. But the beautiful pictures on your chest or back still continue to attract beautiful half of humanity. Especially popular tattoo around the nipple or in the form of wings on the blades.

Began to gain momentum and the most subtle, and therefore the most convenient tattoos on the feet. They are absolutely not visible to others, but warm the soul of his presence. Their only drawback - they are quite quickly erased, especially when applied to the heel. Another trend of tattoos - tattoo on the tongue.

But the most fashionable, and also unusual tattoos - decoration eyeballs. It's either the introduction of pigment special needle directly into the apple, or the implantation of small ornaments of precious metal. It is worth remembering that such operations are very dangerous and can lead to total blindness. Decide on this step can be only the most daring and reckless girl.

After selecting the application and place, we must remember that trust your body you can only specialist. Amateur able to cause irreparable harm to health, and then the long-awaited decoration becomes painful problem.

Tags: girl, tattoo, foot, option