Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty
 The skin of the lower and upper eyelid aging earlier than other parts of the face. It is the eyes and eyelids give the woman's age: the skin suffers from cosmetics and lack of moisture, dries out the sun and bad habits. Thin skin quickly loses elasticity and begins to loom folds over the eyes or going in repelling the bags under them. Help in this case can Blepharoplasty - Eyelid surgery.  

When blepharoplasty surgeons excised the excess skin and fat around the eyes. The operation is performed under general anesthesia (approximately two hours) and did not leave scars. Most often, a single procedure corrected one thing - the upper or lower eyelid. However, in some cases, are made simultaneously lifting both eyelids.

Who needs a blepharoplasty? It is necessary to visit a plastic surgeon if you have hanging upper eyelid, is "fat" bags under the eyes, pronounced wrinkles in the lower eyelids, lowered corners of the eyes and have deep wrinkles in the eye area.

Do not forget about contraindications to surgery: cancer, thyroid problems, diabetes, and dryness of the eyes). If you wear glasses or contact lenses, you should consult with an ophthalmologist before and after surgery.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty depends on many factors: age of the woman is taken into account, the type and condition of the skin, the individual features of the structure of the tissues around the eyes. Do not expect instant results - visible effect will be no earlier than a month after the operation. First heal joints will fall all the swelling and bruises go away.

Rehabilitation period with normal, uncomplicated blepharoplasty, is not more than 14 days. That there were no bruises, preferably immediately after the operation to apply a cold compress on the eyes. In the first three days, do special exercises for eyes and drip eye drops. Sutures are removed on the third day, in some cases, at 5-7 days. In the rehabilitation period to exclude alcohol, smoking and watching TV. Contact lenses can be worn in a couple of weeks after blepharoplasty. And to put makeup on the eye area can be 10-12 days.

However, a month after the surgery take care of yourself. Do not take a hot shower and forget the way to the sauna and steam room. Wait with fitness - Avoid elevated intraocular pressure, which can lead to hemorrhage.

Observe the water-salt balance in order to avoid swelling under the eyes, eat properly and avoid disruptions of the intestine. Some beauty treatments will recover after blepharoplasty: You can do lymphatic drainage facial massage, special moisturizing complex and lifting - program. If necessary, 2 months after surgery facial wrinkles can be corrected preparations "Botox" and "Dysport".

In compliance with all of the recommendations and the proper care the effect of the operation can be maintained for 8-10 years.

Tags: Ambassador, plastic, age, correction, rehabilitation, Blepharoplasty